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News Magazine #215: Read/Download

Those Who Have Love Are Nearest To God Supreme Master Ching Hai shares Her deep concern for the refugees and Her heartfelt gratitude to all the countries helping.
Loving Companion House Loving Companion Houses are indoor shelters lovingly and thoughtfully designed by Supreme Master Ching Hai for our animal companions such as dogs and cats.
S.M. Celestial Jewelry Series XVI (III) The soul is UNITED with God The inner is UNITED with the outer People’s hearts are open, filled with respect for each other
S.M. Celestial Jewelry Series XVI (IV) To the ones deep in slumber A single touch from the Master changes everything… On awakening, the soul discovers the glorious treasures within.
Master’s Latest Design: Green Gauze Tent Within a blissful aura of green tranquility - meditate, relax, and enjoy time filled with Dharma bliss, happiness and delight.

~Updated Feb 9, 2018~Assisting Earthquake Victims in Hualien, Formosa - On February 6th, 2018, a strong earthquake of over 6-magnitude struck Hualiean, Formosa at 11:50 pm, causing several buildings to collapse or tilt. Upon learning of the disaster, Supreme Master Ching Hai immediately instructed our Association members ...
2018 Formosa Winter Relief - At the end of 2017, a cold front came along with piercingly cold winter wind. Providing TWD 1.2 million (US$40,000) in relief, Supreme Master Ching Hai instructed our Formosan Association members to visit people in need as soon as possible and offer ...
Safe, Loving Home for Our Bear Friends - Animals Asia has successfully rescued 198 Moon, and Sun Bears. Currently, 178 of the majestic mammals are under medical and nutritional care safely living in the semi-wild area in the Rescue Center. ...
Comforting Refugee Children in Jakarta - In Jakarta, near the United Nations Refugee Agency office in Kebon Sirih, many hundreds of refugees, including children, lived on the street hoping for some support and accommodation. In July, 2019, the Jakarta Administration Office humanely decided ...
Bringing Tornadoes Relief to Djougou and Copargo, Benin - In April 2019, the Djougou and Copargo regions of northern Benin were hit by devastating tornadoes that damaged several schools and homes, affecting thousands of people, some of whom were left homeless. Deeply concerned about those affected, Supreme ...

Funny Hat
- Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, International Gathering in Europe, December 28, Golden Year 4 (2007) ...

Published on: September 17, 2019

- Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, International Gathering in Europe, December 27, Golden Year 4 (2007) ...

Published on: September 17, 2019

Fearlessness is the Way to Spiritual Greatness – We Need Changes on the Planet – Meditate with the Utmost Sincerity
- If we do everything in a humble way, accept whatever duty is assigned to us, undertake whatever obligations we have and shoulder our responsibilities, we become masters of ourselves and of any situation. ...

Published on: June 14, 2019

The Way to Smooth Out Fixed Karma – Making New Habits – Encourage More People to Think Positive
- Q: Master, You said that fixed karma cannot be changed, but You also said fixed karma is not really fixed. It is just that we did not practice enough. In the Hungary retreat, You said that we should persist in diligent meditation so that our fixed karma can be smoothed out later. ...

Published on: June 13, 2019

Participating in the Formosa Fairs to Promote Veganism - On July 14, 2018, the Formosan Keelung Center participated in a Vegetarian Promotion Fair held by the Keelung Vegetarian Promotion Association at the square in front of the Keelung Culture Center. ...

A Loving Hut Restaurant opens in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) - New Loving Hut opens in the Democratic Republic of Congo providing delicious vegan cuisine. ...

Reinforcing the Vegan Ideal at the 2016 World Vegan Summit & Expo - Over the 3-day weekend, from July 29 to 31, Golden Year 13 (2016), our Association members from San Francisco and San Jose Centers in the USA participated in the 2016 World Vegan Summit & Expo held at Martin Luther King Jr. Studen ...

Argentinian Government Embraces Vegan Mondays - Argentina’s Secretary General Fernando de Andreis announced via Facebook that the Casa Rosada (Pink House), which is the official residence and executive office of the Argentinian president, has started serving an entirely vegan ...

Dr. Jay Grossman of Homeless Not Toothless Receives Shining World Compassion Award - Homeless Not Toothless (HNT) is a Los Angeles, California, USA, non-profit organization whose mission is “raising the pride and dignity of Veterans, the homeless, foster youth, and underserved through quality dental services” ...

Formosa Holds First “International Artist Day” to Honor Artists - Sponsored by The Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association, the first “International Artist Day” magnificent ceremony and dinner party was held at The Grand Hotel in Taipei, Formosa on April 3, 2018, to pay tribute to ...

Eyal Golan Receives Shining World Invention Award - Coral Manta, an advanced drowning detection system invented by Israeli-born Mr. Eyal Golan, uses AI (Artificial Intelligence) to detect anyone entering a pool thus alerting the pool owner. It also has a built-in camera which sends ...

Virtuous Vegan Veterinarian – Dr. Armaiti May - Our Beloved Supreme Master Ching Hai gratefully contributed US$21,000 to Dr. May's Foundation for her noble work and presented the Shining World Compassion Award with all love and high esteem. ...

Al Larson, Bluebird Protector Dedicated to Saving Precious Lives - Bluebirds symbolize wealth and prosperity and are also seen as spiritual messengers that herald joy and prosperity. In North America, due in part to increasing nesting competition from other species, these little birds declined in ...

Master’s Latest Design: Green Gauze Tent - Within a blissful aura of green tranquility ------ meditate, relax, and enjoy time filled with Dharma bliss, happiness and delight. To be one with nature and stay connected to God, with thanks to all the blessings and grace from M ...

S.M. Celestial Jewelry Series XVI (IV) - To the ones deep in slumber A single touch from the Master changes everything… On awakening, the soul discovers the glorious treasures within. ...

Climate Leaders Positive That Lowering Emissions Can Be Done - Eminent climate and sustainability experts have urged world leaders to act now to keep global temperatures well below the 2°C goal set by the Paris Climate Accord. ...

Formosa Takes a Lead in Animal Protection in Asia - Animals are the best friends of humankind! As more and more people are realizing the warmth of animal companions, over the past decade, Formosa public animal shelters’ adoption rate has increased from 13.45% to 74.86%. People ar ...

Cleaning Operation on Miaoli Road No. 28 in Miaoli County, Formosa - Miaoli is a beautiful mountainous county in Formosa. For nearly 30 years, our Association members have been coming to our ashram in the town of Hsihu every Sunday traveling through Miaoli County. ...

Indian Entrepreneur Introduces Biodegradable, Edible, Organic “Plastic” Bag - Many governments have responded by issuing partial or complete bans on various forms of plastic, including plastic bags. When the city of Mangalore in Karnataka, India implemented a plastic bag ban in 2012, it created a challenge ...

The Destiny Of Planets: Revelations On Mars, Venus and Earth - In an excerpt from her upcoming book, Supreme Master Ching Hai reveals that humans once lived on Mars and Venus, and why their surface civilizations were eventually destroyed. ...

Retired US Army Commander Bob Dean Confirms Interaction with Extraterrestrials - Expert UFOlogist and former US Army Command Sergeant Major Bob Dean shares his knowledge and experience of interacting with human-like beings from other planets. ...

More Top Stories
Those Who Have Love Are Nearest To God Supreme Master Ching Hai shares Her deep concern for the refugees and Her heartfelt gratitude to all the countries helping.
Loving Companion House Loving Companion Houses are indoor shelters lovingly and thoughtfully designed by Supreme Master Ching Hai for our animal companions such as dogs and cats.
S.M. Celestial Jewelry Series XVI (III) The soul is UNITED with God The inner is UNITED with the outer People’s hearts are open, filled with respect for each other
S.M. Celestial Jewelry Series XVI (IV) To the ones deep in slumber A single touch from the Master changes everything… On awakening, the soul discovers the glorious treasures within.
Master’s Latest Design: Green Gauze Tent Within a blissful aura of green tranquility - meditate, relax, and enjoy time filled with Dharma bliss, happiness and delight.


See All Reports >>
~Updated Feb 9, 2018~Assisting Earthquake Victims in Hualien, Formosa - On February 6th, 2018, a strong earthquake of over 6-magnitude struck Hualiean, Formosa at 11:50 pm, causing several buildings to collapse or tilt. Upon learning of the disaster, Supreme Master Ching Hai immediately instructed our ...

2018 Formosa Winter Relief - At the end of 2017, a cold front came along with piercingly cold winter wind. Providing TWD 1.2 million (US$40,000) in relief, Supreme Master Ching Hai instructed our Formosan Association members to visit people in need as soon as ...

Safe, Loving Home for Our Bear Friends - Animals Asia has successfully rescued 198 Moon, and Sun Bears. Currently, 178 of the majestic mammals are under medical and nutritional care safely living in the semi-wild area in the Rescue Center. ...

Comforting Refugee Children in Jakarta - In Jakarta, near the United Nations Refugee Agency office in Kebon Sirih, many hundreds of refugees, including children, lived on the street hoping for some support and accommodation. In July, 2019, the Jakarta Administration Offi ...

Bringing Tornadoes Relief to Djougou and Copargo, Benin - In April 2019, the Djougou and Copargo regions of northern Benin were hit by devastating tornadoes that damaged several schools and homes, affecting thousands of people, some of whom were left homeless. Deeply concerned about thos ...

More Top Stories
Costa Rica’s Lands in Love: An Animal Refuge and Human Resort - “Lands in Love Hotel & Resort,” or Tierras Enamoradas, is an animal shelter and holiday resort for humans established by a group of Israelis in Costa Rica. Tucked away in a hidden valley of the 113-hectare San Lorenzo Cloud Fo ...

Dr. Jay Grossman of Homeless Not Toothless Receives Shining World Compassion Award - Homeless Not Toothless (HNT) is a Los Angeles, California, USA, non-profit organization whose mission is “raising the pride and dignity of Veterans, the homeless, foster youth, and underserved through quality dental services” ...

Formosa Holds First “International Artist Day” to Honor Artists - Sponsored by The Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association, the first “International Artist Day” magnificent ceremony and dinner party was held at The Grand Hotel in Taipei, Formosa on April 3, 2018, to pay tribute to ...

Eyal Golan Receives Shining World Invention Award - Coral Manta, an advanced drowning detection system invented by Israeli-born Mr. Eyal Golan, uses AI (Artificial Intelligence) to detect anyone entering a pool thus alerting the pool owner. It also has a built-in camera which sends ...

Virtuous Vegan Veterinarian – Dr. Armaiti May - Our Beloved Supreme Master Ching Hai gratefully contributed US$21,000 to Dr. May's Foundation for her noble work and presented the Shining World Compassion Award with all love and high esteem. ...

Al Larson, Bluebird Protector Dedicated to Saving Precious Lives - Bluebirds symbolize wealth and prosperity and are also seen as spiritual messengers that herald joy and prosperity. In North America, due in part to increasing nesting competition from other species, these little birds declined in ...

Recent Stories By Category
Masters Words >>
Liberation from a System of Rigid Interplanetary Control - OK, OK, let's talk about something in Heaven because this Earth sometimes really, really makes me fed up, frustrated, frustrated. And then out of frustration, many people do wrong things. ...

Love Without Attachment - Q: Master, why is it that ordinary humans like us aren’t able to love and be detached at the same time? ...

Relief Work Spreads Love and Expands Your Heart - That is what makes them feel better. To share the problem, to share the sorrow, you know? ...

Master's Words Concentrate and Receive The Blessing Power - Because if everyone concentrates on one thing, then the power is stronger and more beneficial to you all. Okay? ...

Be Vegan >>
Participating in the Formosa Fairs to Promote Veganism - On July 14, 2018, the Formosan Keelung Center participated in a Vegetarian Promotion Fair held by the Keelung Vegetarian Promotion Association at the square in front of the Keelung Culture Center. ...

A Loving Hut Restaurant opens in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) - New Loving Hut opens in the Democratic Republic of Congo providing delicious vegan cuisine. ...

Reinforcing the Vegan Ideal at the 2016 World Vegan Summit & Expo - Over the 3-day weekend, from July 29 to 31, Golden Year 13 (2016), our Association members from San Francisco and San Jose Centers in the USA participated in the 2016 World Vegan Summit & Expo held at Martin Luther King Jr. Studen ...

Argentinian Government Embraces Vegan Mondays - Argentina’s Secretary General Fernando de Andreis announced via Facebook that the Casa Rosada (Pink House), which is the official residence and executive office of the Argentinian president, has started serving an entirely vegan ...

Supreme Art >>
Master’s Latest Design: Green Gauze Tent - Within a blissful aura of green tranquility ------ meditate, relax, and enjoy time filled with Dharma bliss, happiness and delight. To be one with nature and stay connected to God, with thanks to all the blessings and grace from M ...

S.M. Celestial Jewelry Series XVI (IV) - To the ones deep in slumber A single touch from the Master changes everything… On awakening, the soul discovers the glorious treasures within. ...

Be Green >>
Autumn Beach Cleanup and Ocean Protection in Formosa - Supporting the “Clean Up the World Weekend,” global effort, the Bureau of Environmental Protection of Keelung City in Formosa, conducted a 2018 “Hands” Protecting the Ocean and Autumn Beach Cleanup activity on September 15 ...

Climate Leaders Positive That Lowering Emissions Can Be Done - Eminent climate and sustainability experts have urged world leaders to act now to keep global temperatures well below the 2°C goal set by the Paris Climate Accord. ...

Cleaning Operation on Miaoli Road No. 28 in Miaoli County, Formosa - Miaoli is a beautiful mountainous county in Formosa. For nearly 30 years, our Association members have been coming to our ashram in the town of Hsihu every Sunday traveling through Miaoli County. ...

Indian Entrepreneur Introduces Biodegradable, Edible, Organic “Plastic” Bag - Many governments have responded by issuing partial or complete bans on various forms of plastic, including plastic bags. When the city of Mangalore in Karnataka, India implemented a plastic bag ban in 2012, it created a challenge ...

Be Spiritual >>
The Destiny Of Planets: Revelations On Mars, Venus and Earth - In an excerpt from her upcoming book, Supreme Master Ching Hai reveals that humans once lived on Mars and Venus, and why their surface civilizations were eventually destroyed. ...

Retired US Army Commander Bob Dean Confirms Interaction with Extraterrestrials - Expert UFOlogist and former US Army Command Sergeant Major Bob Dean shares his knowledge and experience of interacting with human-like beings from other planets. ...

Make Peace >>
Climate Leaders Positive That Lowering Emissions Can Be Done - Eminent climate and sustainability experts have urged world leaders to act now to keep global temperatures well below the 2°C goal set by the Paris Climate Accord. ...

Formosa Takes a Lead in Animal Protection in Asia - Animals are the best friends of humankind! As more and more people are realizing the warmth of animal companions, over the past decade, Formosa public animal shelters’ adoption rate has increased from 13.45% to 74.86%. People ar ...

Cleaning Operation on Miaoli Road No. 28 in Miaoli County, Formosa - Miaoli is a beautiful mountainous county in Formosa. For nearly 30 years, our Association members have been coming to our ashram in the town of Hsihu every Sunday traveling through Miaoli County. ...

Indian Entrepreneur Introduces Biodegradable, Edible, Organic “Plastic” Bag - Many governments have responded by issuing partial or complete bans on various forms of plastic, including plastic bags. When the city of Mangalore in Karnataka, India implemented a plastic bag ban in 2012, it created a challenge ...