2025年03月25日, 週二

Supreme Master Ching Hai Sends Her Congratulations to the New President of Uruguay


On Sunday, November 30, Golden Year 11 (2014), His Excellency Dr. Tabaré Vázquez, MD was elected to his second term as President of Uruguay. President Vázquez’s first term was from 2005-2010.

During His Excellency’s first term as president, he helped to increase prosperity and begin a decade of strong economic growth through robust welfare programs and economic policies favorable to businesses. He also oversaw efforts to successfully make Uruguay the first country in South America to ban smoking in public places, while instituting several other policies to promote the eradication of smoking.

President Vázquez has pledged to increase spending on education, while also addressing public security and health during his second term.

Following President Vázquez’s 2014 election, Supreme Master Ching Hai sent him a letter offering Her warm congratulations and best wishes. Above is Supreme Master Ching Hai’s letter to His Excellency. 


Photo Credit: Fabio Pozzebom/Agência Brasil-Tabaré26022007-26February2007-Wikimedia Commons-CC BY 3.0 BR