2025年03月4日, 週二

Sending Comfort to God’s Children in Haiti

Centre d'accueil des enfants démunis

By Costa Rica Relief team (Originally in Spanish)

In 2014, when many orphanages in Haiti were facing financial difficulties, Supreme Master Ching Hai provided the timely fund of US$150,000 on November 25 and requested our Association members to distribute the funding to orphanages most in need. Our relief team from Costa Rica* quickly distributed US$10,000 each to 15 orphanages, enabling more than 500 children to continue to receive food, shelter and a stable environment.

All the recipients could hardly believe that God had heard their prayers and sent help through Master. Not only did the fund allow them to purchase enough food, but also pay for the land, or a whole year rental and more. Twelve orphanages also bought solar panels so that they could have a constant electricity supply.

The young residents and the adults managing each orphanage, very grateful for Master’s big heart, wished Master blessings and sent all their love. Some of them knew Master and said She is the Angel that has always sent help to them when they most need it. They also said that Master’s love and concern made them feel better. Seeing the happiness on the children’s faces, our relief team members felt thankful to be God’s humble instrument to send comfort to Hier children.

* Supreme Mastser Ching Hai also contributed US$2,500 for the transportation costs (air tickets, lodging and gasoline) of the relief team.

Below are letters of appreciation for the US$10,000 contributions to each of the following 15 orphanages:

  1. Le Jardin d’Eden (30 children) Delmas 31;
  2. Le Phare (15 children) Cité Soleil;
  3. Life Saver/Folcre (37 children) Pétion-Ville;
  4. Christian Community Family Development (9 children) Croix-des-Bouquets;
  5. La Fondation Rose-Mina de Diègue (97 children) Pétion-Ville;
  6. Zion Orphanage (30 Children) Arcahaie;
  7. Bon Secours (45 children) Fond Baptiste;
  8. Centre d’accueil des enfants démunis (35 children) Croix-des-Bouquets;
  9. Le Bon Samaritain (60 children) Croix-des-Bouquets;
  10. Centre Esperance de la Lumière des Démunis (40 children) Bon Repos;
  11. Les Champions de Jésus (30 children) Thiotte;
  12. Dévoué pour Christ (15 children) La Ville;
  13. Lakay Jeshua (21 children) Delmas 83;
  14. El Hogar Bethel (15 children) Source-Matelas, Cabaret; and
  15. Fondation Luc Jean Audias Espoir des Enfants (30 children) Belle Fontaine


Photos of the Haitian orphanages: