2025年03月25日, 週二

New Mayor Seeks to Make Turin, Italy a Vegetarian and Vegan City

By News Group (Originally in English)

The Mayor of Turin, Italy, the Honorable Chiara Appendino, who was elected in June 2016, set the encouragement of vegan and vegetarian diets as a leading priority in the new city plan announced in July 2016 that states:

“The promotion of vegan and vegetarian diets is a fundamental act in safeguarding the environment, people’s health and the welfare of our animals.”

Mayor Appendino and the new city council plan to encourage more nutritious and compassionate eating by teaching schoolchildren about the health benefits associated with eliminating animal products, the harmful effects meat and dairy consumption have on the environment, and the immense amount of water required to raise meat compared to plant-based foods. The town’s new environmental officer, Stefania Giannuzzi, who is herself a longtime vegetarian, stated,

“The fact that what we choose to eat has an impact on the environment is not my opinion; it’s the opinion of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization.”

In recent years, Turin itself has become home to over 30 vegan and vegetarian restaurants, suggesting that regional tastes are already evolving. The Five Star Movement party, of which Mayor Appendino is a member, encourages environmental stewardship. Former TV comedian and party founder Beppe Grillo has often praised the benefits of vegetarianism in his blog, including posting links to the popular documentary “Cowspiracy,” which details the environmental damage livestock farming has on the planet.

Bravo, Mayor Appendino, Turin City Council, and Five Star Movement Party for your promotion of the plant-based diet to protect animals’ lives and well-being, as well as for the health of the environment and overall population. May your efforts bring about a transformation of the region’s cuisine to the eco-friendly, peaceful vegan lifestyle. 


Photo Credit: Movimento 5 Stelle-Chiara Appendino, discorso di insediamento al Comune di Torino-6July2016-Wikimedia Commons-CC BY 3.0