2025年03月28日, 週五

Clean Living Leads to Clearer Career Goals

By News Team

Research shows students who drink less alcohol have a clearer idea of their career goals. The study questioned more than 9,000 British graduates and found that of those who drank excessively, 63% did not know what they would do after graduating. In contrast, of the students who drank less, 76% were very positive about finding jobs within six months. The study was completed by Netherlands-based Magnet.me, an online service that connects graduates with potential employers. Bilal Mahmood, from Magnet.me, said: “The research essentially tells us that students – their social lives – do impact their future career options – and students should use that time in their university lives more wisely and prepare themselves properly for what the world of work is actually going to be like.” Thank you, Magnet.me, for this research highlighting the importance of healthy living in motivating youth to have positive outlooks for their career. May all young people have prosperous and happy futures for a brighter world for all.


Photo Credit: School of English and Drama,QMUL-IMG7020-13July2015-flickr-CC BY 2.0