2025年03月25日, 週二

Try To Concentrate – Time Travel – Put It Into Practice – The Soul/Body Connection

Try To Concentrate

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, International Gathering in Europe, 
July 6, Golden Year 10 (2013)
(Originally in English) Video-1017


Q: I just had a question about practice. Like, when we are meditating, we just let the Master power do it? I guess that sounds simplistic.

SM: You concentrate.

Q: But I feel like oftentimes, maybe I don’t concentrate well or I get distracted easily, and so then, I just kind of let it be…

SM: Okay, then do what you can. (Q: Okay.) Of course, sometimes you cannot concentrate; then you cannot. But then you relax a little bit, and then you concentrate again. But sometimes you don’t even concentrate on the mind, but you concentrate all the same. So sometimes you caught yourself, like, “Huh?” You were just thinking of something or just lying there and then you see the Light and the vision and all that. So really, we just do our job. But the blessing is from the Master power. Whenever it comes, it comes. It’s just like that. For example, you open a shop. What do you do?

Q: I’m an assistant, a doctor’s assistant.

SM: A doctor’s assistant. For example, you open the office with the doctor, or the open hospital, open all day, and sometimes you stay all day and nothing happens. And you thought, “Okay, no patients today, nothing urgent. I maybe just go out, have a coffee, or go home early or have an early day or something.” Or just, okay, you’re prepared that you are not taking any more patients now because nothing happened. And then at the last minute, emergency, urgent, all kinds of things coming. See what I mean? (Q: Yes.) So when you’re not prepared. So God’s power is like that. Sometimes even during your sleep, God blesses you so much. Then you wake up; you’re just seeing just a flash of Light that ran away from you. It’s just the leftover from whatever you have been blessed with. So try to do your job, meditating anyway, and then your effort is also being accounted for. Even if you don’t see anything during your meditation, and you only see it in your sleep, it’s okay too. You do your job, okay? You are in the hospital, and the patients come or not come; that you cannot control.


Time Travel

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, International Gathering in Europe, 
July 6, Golden Year 10 (2013)
(Originally in English) Video-1017


Q: Master, I would like to ask a question about the reincarnation system. Can we reincarnate backward in time? For example, can Albert Einstein reincarnate into Isaac Newton a hundred years ago?

SM: You mean go back to the past lives? You want to return to the time, for example, Einstein’s time, right?

Q: Yes.

SM: And why would you want to do that?

Q: I’m just making an example.

SM: This example is not very logical and not very… not very intelligent choice. Even if I have that choice, I wouldn’t. Even if I am reincarnated back into the time of, just say, Qianlong, the king of China. He has all the power and he controlled the whole China, but I wouldn’t like to. At that time, he has only horse carriages, and it’s very painful to go from here to there. It takes so long time, and his house doesn’t have glass windows; has only paper, white paper windows. It’s all dark, and the crown is heavy, and the shoes are thick and difficult to walk in. No thank you.

Q: So it means that this type of reincarnation is impractical?

SM: Impractical. Of course you could, but why? The souls always mostly go upward, go forward, not go backward. But you could, for example, from now, using some kind of technique, go back to the old time, if you want to. But I’m warning you; it’s not a very good thing to do, because old time is not as good as it’s prescribed in the book. The horses poo all over the street, for example. It’s smelly. And many streets are not paved with asphalt and bricks. They’re all muddy streets, for example. And the cold weather, they don’t have central air-con, they don’t have… They don’t have cars, okay? The old time. And even more recent times, the industrial smoke all over, many diseases cannot be controlled, a lot of outbreaks of pandemics, etc., etc. You can’t just always choose the good things from the past life and avoid the environmental or the bilateral connection with the past. Reincarnate, if you want; go to the future. Future you can also visit.

In the meditation, you can also see the future, what happens. But in part only, not all. Like Nostradamus, he also saw a lot of things in the future and he warned humankind. And he also predicted many things. So, he went like 400 years, 500 years before him. And the past life, you don’t have to reincarnate in order to know it. You can see also sometimes in your meditation, you can see what you did in the past life, or where you were and what kind of person you were. People have it. So, many disciples went back to the past life also, by chance or deliberately. Then they saw what they were and what I was, for example like that. And they came back sometimes telling you, in the experience sharing, for example. They said that I was so-and-so; I was the king of this and that country; I was a Master of this and that name. Got it? So, that is the reincarnation temporarily during your meditation. You can go backward and forward while you are here. But don’t go there permanently. The past life wasn’t all that good, was it? The past history. If you can’t control it and then you go too far, and you go and meet all these dinosaurs and then oh, what to do? They’ll pick you up just like a fly and use you for a toothpick. Scary stuff. The past life, the past history of humankind wasn’t always pleasant. People have to scavenge for food and use stone to cut things. Lived in tents. It’s not always good. You still want to go back to the past? You’re not happy here?

Q: No, thanks. But I just want to know if this is possible.

SM: It is possible. But the souls would never do that. It’s beyond its intelligence to reincarnate in the past history, in the past of the history of humankind, because we are more forward now.


Put It Into Practice

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, International Gathering in Europe, 
July 6, Golden Year 10 (2013)
(Originally in Chinese) Video-1017


Q: I often read Master’s book, “Secrets to Effortless Spiritual Practice,” which was published a long time ago. Now that you have reached this high level, are there any newer ways you can better advise us, so we can advance our spiritual practice?

SM: I have told you a lot, but you don’t practice it. What is the use of telling more?

Q: Besides daily meditation and reciting the Holy Names, are there any shortcuts?

SM: I have said it all. If not during the time of initiation, then it’s in many of my video and audio tapes. The point is that you have to practice it. Okay? (Q: Okay.) It’s not just about hearing more. I feel some of you just listen but don’t do it.


The Soul/Body Connection

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, International Gathering in Europe, 
July 6, Golden Year 10 (2013)
(Originally in English) Video-1017


Q: I saw in your other video how you had said about your soul is not connected to your body anymore; your soul is free. So it doesn’t always hang out; it could be over here or on top or wherever.

SM: Yeah.

Q: And when we’re here, we have the opportunity to receive a lot of blessing. But why do we lose it? If our worldly actions affect our level, or we lose a lot of merit by doing worldly things, how do we keep it? Or how do we gain so much but lose it so fast?

SM: There are some different reasons. Of course, the body is still attached to the soul. Otherwise, you’d die. There is a cord that attaches us to the soul no matter what level you go. And when you die, then it’s been severed. But before you die, you’re attached to that. Okay? So, when you are here, for example, in the presence of the Master, your body also absorbs it through the body’s nearness, and then it feeds the soul. Okay? And of course, for example, for normal people, when you sleep, the soul also left to take a rest. Because the body does all kinds of things. Sometimes it’s very tiring for the soul to maneuver. So, like that, if we are doing things that are wrong, hurting other people, for example, then because we are one, so if that soul is feeling hurt, then this soul is also affected. And then by the law of compensation, you must give something to that affected soul. So if you run over someone by mistake, then you have to pay for him or her to recover. Physically it’s like that and spiritually it’s similar.

So that’s why whatever we use in this world, even though it’s physical use, like we eat something, or we take something, we always have to share our merit. That’s why if we accumulate a lot, or we eat a lot, no one says anything, but we have to pay for it spiritually. So, that doesn’t mean the more you eat, the better for you. It’s not like that just because it’s free or because you’re rich. You still have to pay even if it’s your money. You pay somehow spiritually. Some spiritual merit points have to go toward that being for him or her to evolve. That’s how all beings evolve. See? It’s better that we meditate a lot, and then we have a lot of spiritual merit anyway. So even if we spend some on food or on any other thing or hurting others accidentally, we still can have enough to cover ourselves.

For example, when you have an accident, the soul just left the body. So, if you feel pain or anything, it’s just the mind and the physical reaction of the nerves. The soul left. So, almost, people don’t feel pain. Mostly when people are not very, very sinful, then when they die, they don’t feel pain. Or when they have an accident, they don’t feel that much pain because the soul left and tried to ease the pain of the body. So, when we do something so heavily burdened, then the soul also left. Or when it’s too much pain, then you fainted, because the soul just left. The soul doesn’t want to stay in such a tight spot and painful body, painful instrument. So the soul is free, but we still need to keep a good contact.

In the physical body, we need to have more contact with the Divine, so that the soul feels happy and goes up. And then when the soul is up, the soul can take also spiritual nourishment there, also. Not just through the body contact, but through the soul contact up there with the divine connection. The body is only for give-and-take of the karma, and also give-and-take of the spiritual blessing. So even if you do not feel that you elevated, but if your body is near the source of blessing, then the body also feels well. The mind also feels good, relaxed, and healing also takes place in that situation. Any more questions? Good question. Yeah.