2025年03月1日, 週六

Treasure the Planet for All Beings – Overcome Problems with Faith and Love – Grow Food and Be Peaceful

Treasure the Planet for All Beings

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai,
Videoconference with Supreme Master Ching Hai
and Supreme Master Television staff,
Los Angeles, California, USA
December 22, Golden Year 9 (2012)
(Originally in English) Video-1011

We are lucky. You see, the planet will live so much longer now and will continue longer. Even more than that. That was just the 18th of December [2012]. It will continue much more. But the planet continues to live now. It’s the human race that should be concerned, how long we can continue on, for the now and the next generations. If we continue to be more destructive to ourselves, then that’s what we want, and then that’s what we will get. Okay?

So the planet is saved for the humans to live on and other beings to live on. Then we must really treasure it, we must think about how to live a worthy life on this planet, how to really determine to make the better days of our lives, how to return the kindness of Heaven. Not just always asking Heaven what to do for us, but asking ourselves what we could do for the world, for others, and for ourselves. That is the right thing to do. Okay?


Overcome Problems with Faith and Love

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, International Gathering in Europe, 
July 18, Golden Year 10 (2013)
(Originally in English) Video1024

Your love and your faith and your divine way of life would help you to overcome many things. It doesn’t have to be me. Okay? But the Master power always helps the one who already helps themselves. If you live right, you think right, and you do things right, then your life will be always right. We have a lot of tests and tribulations, but if we know our goal and discipline, then it’s easier to live. Simple. Not just heart disease, anything else can leave you, because they have nowhere to cling on to your body. It’s good.


Grow Food and Be Peaceful

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, International Gathering in Europe, 
July 6, Golden Year 10 (2013)
(Originally in English) Video-1017

Yeah, because the people do agriculture, self-sufficient, have enough food to eat and even can export. The ancient king of China was also very much into agriculture. And that was a very peaceful period for China, because they concentrated on agriculture. And now we have more other things. Of course, it’s a very convenient, modern time, but agriculture should be also the main occupation, the main source of income and profession for the people. Because no matter what you have, if you don’t have food, it’s a trouble, right? Many rich countries now have problems with food because a lot of people go out and do a lot of different work, industrial work, and have a lot of money, but not enough food in the country, not enough cultivation of food in the country. So they have to import it from elsewhere. It’s not a good thing to do.