2025年03月4日, 週二

Supreme Master Ching Hai’s Congratulations to New Zealand’s New Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern


Becoming prime minister of New Zealand on October 19, 2017, Her Excellency Jacinda Ardern, age 37, is beloved for her friendliness and genuine connection with the people.

In the past, Her Excellency has supported the acceptance of refugees and defended others such as gay individuals. She pledged to better the life of the people by: lifting more than 100,000 children out of poverty, addressing the need to build 10,000 new affordable homes for New Zealanders, and providing free higher education to students. She also committed to increasing equality for women in the workplace while also supporting those who stay at home.

In addition to cleaning the country’s polluted waterways, Her Excellency will set up a climate change commission, and aim for a zero greenhouse gas emissions goal by 2050. Notably, she wants to restore the Emissions Trading Scheme, which would hold the agricultural sector, namely dairy industry, accountable.

Supreme Master Ching Hai commended Her Excellency in a letter, shown above.

In response to Master’s letter, New Zealand’s Office of the Prime Minister thoughtfully expressed appreciation for the correspondence on behalf of Her Excellency Jacinda Ardern.


Photo Credit: Governor-General of New Zealand- Jacinda Ardern, 2017 (cropped)- 26 October 2017-Wikimedia Commons-CC BY 4.0