2025年03月25日, 週二

Supreme Master Ching Hai Sends Congratulations to the German Chancellor on Her Re-election

Her Excellency Dr. Angela Merkel, Chancellor of Germany, won her fourth term on September 24, Golden Year 14 (2017).

In Her congratulatory letter, Supreme Master Ching Hai highlighted some of Her Excellency’s accomplishments from the 10 plus years she served as chancellor: Her Excellency skillfully protected Germany from the global economic crisis, helping the country to flourish instead as Europe’s biggest economy. The record number of jobs she helped to create included hundreds of thousands of green energy jobs. The former environment minister has long been urging fellow countries to implement major climate change-mitigating measures while setting ambitious goals for her own nation, including a phase-out of Germany’s nuclear reactors by 2022 as part of a transition to alternative energy sources to halt global warming. Furthermore, the German military abolished compulsory conscriptions and reduced its army to a smaller size. In the area of family welfare, Her Excellency’s government introduced parent benefits to ease the financial burden on working mothers and families. Supreme Master Ching Hai also highlighted Her Excellency’s leadership in compassion when Germany accepted more than one million refugees in recent years. 

Above is Supreme Master Ching Hai’s letter to Her Excellency.


Photo Credit: Agência Brasil– A presidenta Dilma Rousseff recebe a chanceler da Alemanha, Angela Merkel em cerimônia oficial no Palácio do Planalto- 20August2015-(cropped)-Wikimedia Commons-CC BY 3.0 BR