2025年03月3日, 週一

The Result of Sincere and Diligent Spiritual Practice

While Supreme Master Ching Hai and Her International Association members gathered at the European International Gathering in August 2015, a New Zealand brother shared his wonderful experience
(Originally in English)

Brother: This is related to my wife. I got initiation after four years, I had been putting Your teachings (in front of her) all the time, but she couldn’t see it. Then in meditation, I asked You, “Master, what’s the problem? I talk a lot about You, and about God and how meditation is good for you.” You said to me, “The bad karma doesn’t allow her to see. It’s like a wall around her.” At that time I realized, “OK, it’s not her fault. It’s the bad karma.” And then I asked You, “How can I solve the problem? How can I help her to follow You?” And then I meditated that night, and nothing happened. A few nights, nothing happened. Then I put in one of your DVDs and I turned it on, the first thing shown was You saying to me “Three hours Sound.” (Master: What?) Three hours Sound. That was the first thing. To do three hours Sound. (Master: Oh, three hours Sound.)

Brother: And then I got the message (Master: Yeah, understand.) after a few days’ asking. I always carried on asking every day until I got the answer. (Master: Yeah.) And then I thought, “God, this is very difficult, how am I going to do three hours?” I did it the first day. I went to sleep at ten o’clock. And at two o’clock in the morning, You just woke me up and said to meditate. I wasn’t sleepy or anything, really full of energy. I said OK from two o’clock until seven o’clock, I will do the meditation, the Light a little bit and then three hours Sound. But then, I ended up doing four-and-a-half hours Light during this time. The first day I did this, when I finished it was terrible. My mind was complaining, “Oh, this is too difficult. This is too much.” (Master: Poor thing.) And then I had a big fight with my mind and with my body, because both of them were fighting really hard. But I said, “Oh no, I have to do it, because it’s good for my wife.” (Master: You’re good.) “I want to help her.”

Master: You’re good. My, he loves you so much. (Master said to the brother’s wife.)

Brother: And then after a month doing this, forcing myself to do it, she came to the room and she said,

Master: “Darling …” What?

Brother: And then she said, “I want to follow Master. I want to do Convenient Method.”

Master: Oh, wow! Such a good husband.

Brother: And then six months later, she got initiation. And then two months later, she became the contact person. And then a month later, she started working for Supreme Master Television. And from then we did a lot of work in New Zealand and helped with this and that.

Master: Wonderful, wonderful. Wonderful! But he’s a good man, a good practitioner. One-month meditation, three hours every day. I mean the Sound, even numbness and everything. I really respect you.

Brother: Thank You, Master. We love You so much.

Master: Thank you. It’s not easy to do that. One month long, every day. Yeah, but what we wouldn’t do for Heaven and to help the loved ones. So if you complain about your wife or your husband, then do the same. He’s telling that for all of you, OK? But it’s difficult, I know that. Difficult, but he made it. Look at that. That’s a good example. But thank you for being a good husband as well. My God! If anyone would do that for me, I’d marry him. For me, for me. Very good.


Please click the following link to watch the video of this International Gathering: