2025年03月25日, 週二

Love Without Attachment

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai,
Videoconference with Supreme Master Ching Hai
and Supreme Master Television staff,
Los Angeles, California, USA
May 29, Golden Year 11 (2014)
(Originally in English) Video-1049

Q: Master, why is it that ordinary humans like us aren’t able to love and be detached at the same time?

SM: Because they are not yet breaking through the veil that covers them.

Q: Oh, I see.

SM: They are made to be that way until they’re enlightened. The more they’re enlightened, the more they are detached from whatever they possess or want to possess. They are just born that way. They have been covered. They’re not allowed to see the reality because of the karmic give-and-take system. You have to be born again to love your enemy, to repay the debt last time. So you’re not allowed to know this is your enemy. You love blindly. You do everything for that person, even though that person breaks your heart, harms you in many ways. You can’t break away. That is attachment. It is not the real word for it. It’s karmic retribution. It’s not even attachment. It’s karmic retribution. I wrote here.

“The reason why people have attached love is because many people’s love has not reached the unconditional level. Also, this world is lonely without a true goal and we are affected by the society’s binding energy, ideas, and desires. Then we take it as our own without knowing the real cause. Also, if we are not too high, we can’t escape the karmic bond.” I mean, not gone to a high level of spiritual practice.

“It truly takes a lot of wisdom to realize that it’s all karmic ties. If you realize this, I mean really, really know it, really realize it, then you will love without attachment. Knowing that your partners or family members are maybe just karmic give-and-take is one thing. But to truly realize this, clearly see it with your own mind, is another, another subject, (Q: Yes, Master.) another matter. It takes time to know this for any practitioner. It’s not easy, but it’s doable. Once you know it, you are free. You’re still with family or not with family. You’re still with dogs, or cats, birds. But you just love them without attachment. I just know it, but I can’t help you to realize it.”