2025年03月4日, 週二

Liberation from a System of Rigid Interplanetary Control

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai
Hsihu, Formosa (Taiwan)
July 23, (Golden Year 14 (2017)
(Originally in English) Video 1119


OK, OK, let’s talk about something in Heaven because this Earth sometimes really, really makes me fed up, frustrated, frustrated. And then out of frustration, many people do wrong things. Otherwise, originally all of you, any of you, all came from very high levels of existence. Some of you have had some other bodies, physical bodies; some of you haven’t. It depends on which planet you come from. But all of the planets that you have come from are much, much, much more sophisticated than this one, much more comfortable. Life is more high standard and very, very well organized.

But unfortunately, any planet is just a planet. There will be a ruler somewhere. And there will be a ruler and there will be a government, and there will be rules and governed society. And then if you are a little bit more smart than the ruler, smarter than the government, smarter than the powers that be there, I mean these planets are not … I’m not talking about a liberated planet. I’m not talking about where you are going, where you’re going to be, that I’m going to take you to. That is not a planet. That is spiritual planes of existence, and there you don’t have to wear a physical body anymore, no matter what shape. You’ll be surprised if you visit some of these planets. They might be very highly sophisticated in technology, superior. Everything we have here, even the best now, is still garbage from other planets.

Most Humans Are from Highly Sophisticated Planets,
but They Have Lost Their Memories After Drinking a Kind of “Soup”

The reason, the proof that you came from a highly, more highly sophisticated planet and a better quality of life is that you are here. Because if it’s not for that, you would never be able to come here. You’re sent here, you’re exiled here by high technology and by some soup that you drank before you came; they forced you to do it. Every country knows this kind of soup. It’s famous. They all drink it, and some people remember. Some people maybe drink the last one and there’s only very little left, so they still have a little memory. Anyway, these planets, they are mostly very rigid in nature, very orderly. They don’t like any revolutionaries; they don’t like new ideas; they don’t like genius, not too much. If you don’t work with the government, and are not devoted to that god, that ruler god, then you are in trouble. Maybe they warn you at the time, or maybe they just send you down somewhere else, somewhere else that’s not in their planet. They don’t like anything that gives rise to ideas of changing the system, or usurps the throne, or something like that. Just almost like in our planet, except they have more technology to control, and there’s nothing the ordinary citizen there can do except to accept that situation or to be gone somewhere else.

Many people on this planet, sometimes they are awakened or sometimes they remember in their dreams or their vision what they have done before; they remember the technology. But even if they remember, the technologies, here can never compare to the original planet where they came from. The planet where they came from, they have also invisible beings and visible beings. The invisible beings have more power than the visible beings and more prestige. And therefore they control like first-class citizens. And the ones with the physical bodies normally are doing mundane work, and kind of nothing very important in the society. And woe to this lowly class in those planets if they try something different that upsets the government there or the ruler. Then they will be exiled to, for example, our planet.

Humans Did Not Evolve from Monkeys but Were Made by Companies

Before, we were even more controlled by some of the other planet systems. They have higher technology. They have higher power of hypnotism, so they make us forget everything and we cannot get out of this planet at all except by any Master who comes down and takes you by the inner road, not outside. But any Master who comes down here suffers a lot, a lot, or dies early like Lord Jesus. Even Buddha, at that time he suffered a lot, a lot: slander or injury, and sometimes starvation and all kinds of trouble, just to name a few. Because these people, these Masters, they’re trying hard to help those who are really desperate to go Home, because they don’t know where they came from. Just tell me where you came from. Do you know where you came from? Are you sure? Mr. Darwin, he said we came from monkeys. It’s not true. We don’t look anything like monkeys, do we? Maybe some, but… one or two or three, but not truly like that. Even those people, there are some people who look like maybe, I don’t know, orangutans, or monkeys a little bit, primates, look like. Not because they came from the monkeys, or they evolved from the monkeys. It’s just because they are made in this image.

In our planet, we have many companies; we make computers, computer companies, software companies. And nowadays, they even try to make a sheep-cloning company. Soon they might be cloning humans. I don’t know what kind of Frankenstein they are going to make, but they are trying to be God. They are trying to feel like a god. So anyway, because they remember on some other planets before, they used to make something that works, that runs, that talks like us, or like the animals that we see. These companies, when we still had this inter-galaxy system connecting, before the Galaxy War, we had an inter-planetary system that people can order stuff, just like you order a computer from Microsoft or Apple. You can order online or go there and look at the goods and then OK or not OK to buy.

So in the old times, many planets similar to ours, which were empty, when the planet began to cool, when any galaxy’s comet or any so-called clump of gasses gathered together and then began to cool down and then solidified, became a planet like this, then, it was empty. There may be some microbes or small things, I don’t know what. But it was too hot and gassy. No one can … no solid ground to walk on or to do anything. And then many planet people began to control that planet, the new one. Anyone can go first and get it, just like we have a new land or something like that we claim for us. Even people nowadays claim the moon and sell it, sell one piece at a time, yeah, Americans. Don’t you know? You can buy the moon. Not the whole thing, it’s too expensive, but you can buy a piece of it. Depends on where and then how much it costs. Really! There’re some movie stars, they even bought them. I was thinking to buy some in case I’m fed up with you; I’d run over there and hide, no, but what for?

I don’t mind. I like this planet. It’s OK. Wherever I go, I just like it there. Truly, it’s like that. And this is a problem with me that if I go somewhere, I don’t like to move anywhere else. Unless I have trouble or unless I have to go for some reason, I don’t want to go anywhere, be it a cave, a natural cave with just very sparing water, or be it just a beautiful building or be it on the sea or on the mountain, somewhere that people don’t even want to stay, even in a desert. I lived in a desert once. I never wanted to move anywhere because it just felt comfortable right there. I lived in a cave and then some of the residents told me, “Why don’t you live in the other house? It’s more comfortable. It was built for you.” I said, “I’m just so used to it,” so lazy to keep moving things. Caves don’t have a lot of things but still have to move. Moving house is one of the four major stresses. You know that, right? I’m not moving from my cave. So I told that man I’m a cave person and he just laughed. Anyways, it’s true. OK, never mind about that. I just wanted to scare him off. But he didn’t understand. I didn’t want to tell him who I am and what I do, so I stopped right there. If he knew, maybe he’d be scared off. But I don’t want to just tell anyone where I’m going. I prefer to be anonymous. It’s more comfortable. People treat you normally. They aren’t overacting or underacting. They don’t tell you a lot of stuff that you don’t want to listen to.

OK, now. OK, we go back to the apes, King Kong. If someone happens to look like one of our primate friends, that doesn’t mean that his parents evolved from there, or have anything to do with King Kong. You look at the movie. It’s not like that. It’s not like he loves Jane and he took care of her. Then maybe some little King Kongs will come out of it. It’s not like that, no. We cannot evolve from animals because they’re different, different makeup. The soul is the same, just maybe the different shapes. OK, fine. We don’t have to evolve from the animals because we already are human. We are made in human shape, so our DNA stays human. And if we pass on to the next generation, it is the same DNA, it’s humans’. Capisco? Capisce? Capisco? Understand? OK, so the reason why that guy or that girl looks like one of our primates is because he or she came from the same company that made humans and apes, these King Kongs at the same time — same company, same artist, same artist. Therefore, he likes it that way. So he made apes and humans sometimes look similar. So sometimes we look at the monkey and we look at ourselves and thought, “Ah, look the same.” It’s not like I came from there.

Among All the Physical Beings on Various Planets,
Humans Are the Most Beautiful

And many of the … mostly, 99% of you and people out there and animals are space-shipped from somewhere else, came to the planet, when the planet was still in the virginity of the creative pattern. And then, first they have dinosaurs and all that, OK. And they feel that it’s not very good and then they make a flood or troubles so that the dinosaurs die out. And then the planet rulers or inhabitants, invisible at that time, can fly, can have magic, can do many things, but feel lonely. They need something else. They don’t need dinosaurs anymore. So they order some other things, so it’s up to the artists to create something and then they go and look whether they like it or not. So they like, many planets like us, like this kind of look, it’s very fashionable. You’d be surprised because many planets don’t have people like us. They have physical beings. Just maybe they can walk and talk or do things like us. Many also like us, but before humans were created they were not like that, they looked different. Maybe … I don’t know how to explain to you. Maybe you can look at Lucas, planet war of, how do you say, I forgot, “Star Wars,” something like that. Looks similar! OK, truly. So we, the humans, are the most beautiful creation. Truly, like that. Oh, I’ve seen them, they are not as pretty, I mean, my opinion. Of course, the beauty is in the eyes of the admirers, surely, surely. But I think in my opinion, still humans are the most beautiful of all the physical beings, the most complete, with delicate nerve system, with intelligence, with creative power, even with magical power.

The Difference Between Magical Power and the Automatic Power That Arises Naturally After Initiation

So you know, some people still have magical power. It’s true like that. Because they came from other planets which have magic, who use magic all the time for anything. So some of them are here and somehow they are awakened to their ability. It’s just awakened in them by some of the extraordinary circumstances or they go to learn with some elderly who already know the magic and the lineage, and then they already have it in them, awakened in them. All of you really also, some more or less, have some magical power. But you are already locked in, you’re already erased. All the memory of who you are and where you came from, and what you can do, it’s all finished. So that’s why at the time of initiation, I told you if you have magic power, don’t use it. If you’re awakened to it, don’t use it. Because then you might be attracted back to your planet, which is not an enlightened planet. Enlightened planets, they don’t need to use magic. Everything is natural. Like Jesus, someone touched his clothes and then they’re healed from a very grave disease. And they praised him and thanked him. He said, “Your faith healed you,” or “God healed you through me.” He doesn’t use it.

So anything that you derive from me before or after initiation, or during initiation, it’s because it all came out naturally. They don’t even need to recite any mantra or do any mudra or do anything on purpose to heal that or this person or to help this and that person. This is too troublesome if you have to use magic. It’s too limited, limited. You can only use it for some people, maximum maybe 10 people. But you cannot use it for anyone anytime, in any situation and automatically, you know, doesn’t take even a nanosecond to happen. Magic power, it takes longer and you have to practice a very long time to memorize this mantra, to do this posture, all kinds of things for many, many, many years in order to master that, except some people who have a natural, magical ability because they were awakened to their own nature before, before they came to this planet. Maybe they’re just new arrivals from other planets, being exiled, sent down, and cannot return. Anyone who is sent to this planet is doomed forever.

Earth Is Tightly Controlled by All Kinds of Superior High-tech Power*

Stay here, do whatever you do, try not to make trouble, because if you make trouble, you’ll have more trouble. You never can return to your own planet because they rejected you already. That is the problem. That’s why you cannot go back, except a Master who comes down from a higher level, knows the way, and knows the secret, and has enough power to do it. Because this planet is locked in with this … all kind of high-tech power that it seems like magic, but it’s not. This planet, this we so-called … the one we so-called Maya or devil power, they are not really devil powers. They just have technique. They just have mind power, control power. They learned it. You can learn also. Many people can teach you: hypnosis or walk on the hot coals without burning. You know all that, right? Many people can also teach you how to make rain when it’s not raining, and can make wind or can make trouble, or something like that. Sometimes earthquake or typhoon out of season or out of nowhere, because some people are playing havoc, making havoc on the planet, just for fun or for some reason or maybe competition, or just to harm someone. And other bystanders also get trouble and get harmed by it. Anyway, I don’t recommend you to learn any of this kind of magic, even white magic, white magic, meaning if you have it, you cannot not use it, very difficult to control. And even white magic is interfering with nature, with the natural flow, and then it will backfire.

At the moment, sometimes the other planets, they send bad vibes to our Earth or to other planets just to cause trouble for some reason. Or sometimes they want to take some human body to live inside there. That’s why some people, they look like they’re possessed or something. There is something like that. And they control the minds of the people; sometimes they make them do some terrible things. When they wake up or they’re awakened, they don’t even remember what they did at all. Truly like that. Anyway, why I’m talking so much about something that you don’t want to hear, right? Do you want to continue listening? (Answer: Yes.) OK, now, even if you want to go back Home, even if you remember something and you want to go back Home, you can’t. As soon as you get out of the body, some high-tech personnel will catch you, catch the essence of you, the soul, and then put you back in another body again, and make you forget again. The magical power of this kind of mind control only lasts around a hundred-something years. Therefore, they don’t let you live long even. If you live long, something will happen also, make you die quick. There are some extraordinary people who can live longer; it’s true also. But that doesn’t mean they’re liberated from this physical planet.

Oh! By the way, in our planet we also have invisible beings. You know that? Right? We call “ghosts” or “spirits.” A lot of people see them. The same like other planets also, there are some invisible and visible beings. But not all of the planets look like us. And when they come down here, maybe they can use magic for a while to make them look like you or like a beautiful girl for a while, but they cannot keep that forever, because it’s illusion. Or they can push the soul of someone away and then they take over that body and then cause trouble or do something, sometimes not trouble, sometimes trouble. I mean, take the body of a live person, not a dead person. If the person is dead already, it doesn’t matter. No one owns that body, the body becomes useless. Then, maybe if you want to use it, OK, for some good purpose. But sometimes they just push people away because they have power, and that’s what I don’t like. They harassed our planet’s people. That’s what I don’t like. That’s why we have war and we have suffering and we have a lot of trouble. That’s what I don’t like. That’s why we have bad government, control-freak governments, for example. And that’s what I don’t like, because people suffer. People suffer enough already that they have to inhabit this body and never can get rid of it. I mean, if they die, they get another one, and they don’t even remember the life they just passed, not to talk about the life hundreds or thousands or millions of light years away from here, because they’ve been poisoned. They’ve been mind-controlled to forget because if they remember, they will come back and revenge. I doubt it if they will be successful because the government-control system is so tight, tighter than any of the systems on this planet. If you think any of the governments on this planet are very fanatic or very controlling, it’s nothing compared to what they control in some of the planets. They cannot tolerate even one inch of difference, of rebellious style, or of some creativity that they deem unfit. And then they will exile that person or that group forever here or another similar planet. But here is more easy, here is more easy. Many other planets, they have high tech already. They control their border. They don’t let anyone come in, just same like this one, same like this one.

Before, before… a long time ago, maybe thousands of years ago, they put up this kind of… just say radar system, because I don’t know how to explain this, some kind of borders all around the planet. And only the people they want to be here can be here, even the ones, the agents who work for them, and all that. Otherwise, no one can come and go. But now that kind of system, that kind of, we call “Maya” or “devil system,” “devil controllers,” is being almost kicked out by some other planets with more high tech. But then, still, their system, the control system, the radar that they put, the invisible radar, the superior quality, superior high tech that none of the planets, other planets, have been able to break through. Therefore, we’re all imprisoned here, me, you. Except we can go in and out sometimes in our soul, and that is important.

The Importance of Keeping the Five Precepts

After today, after initiation, your soul is free. You are a free man, free woman, free being, absolute. But make sure you adhere to the guidance, the guidelines, so that you don’t give excuses to these bad, troublemaker beings who can control you again, because they have rules everywhere. And once they control you again, it’s difficult to meet a Master or someone who can guide you back. If the Master doesn’t guide you back to where you came from, it would be gruesome. They will execute you. They will persecute you. They will make trouble for you. So, we bring you to a better one, the enlightened, free, and compassionate, merciful. I mean, in that world, there’s no … not even the vocabulary of compassion or merciful, because there’s no need! It’s just normal like that.

Keep the rules on this planet. Do not harm others, not harm, including killing, of course. Not just killing, but harming also no good. Not harming people, not stealing, not tell lie, not, not doing bad bodily contact. Not doing any bad, woman or man anatomy, body anatomy study too closely. And what else? Don’t take intoxicants. If you do at the moment, try to do it slowly, slowly, slowly, quickly avoid. Anyhow, keep the rules so that the Maya, the devil force doesn’t notice you too much. Because they’re already so used to with punishing people who don’t keep the rules, even ridiculous rules on their planets. So don’t provoke their attention.

The Enlightened Masters Guide Humans to Liberation and Their Lives Are Always in Danger

That’s why a lot of Masters when they come down on the planet, they normally don’t openly teach disciples, unless they want to die quick and die young. Most of them die young, die quick, or die horrible death. Even in India, some Sikh Masters have been harassed to death, and losing everything they have, and their life also, in such a horrible way; many Masters are like that. They know they have to be quiet, because even the greatest, the most powerful Master comes here, he’s alone, cannot take too many people down here to help him. Besides, take whoever come down here, they will forget. They’ll forget what they’re supposed to do, including the Master himself, herself, in the beginning. And then it’s very hard for that Master to wake up even. So, you see, most Masters don’t wake up until in their 20s or 30s. They’re not born and then immediately sit there and teaching everyone. Did you see any? Well, even if they do that, the government probably will take that Master away, put into some laboratory to poke and probe them to see what happened to this kid. What happened? What kind of kid? Must be a devil incarnate. And that kid cannot live long, I assure you that. You know that, right?

So, mostly the Masters teach very quietly, to small (numbers of) disciples. Even at the Buddha’s time, he already taught openly enough, but his disciples amounted to maybe thousands, ten thousand, the max. Maybe at that time, the transportation, the communication systems were not as good as now also, which play a big role. But, nowadays, even many Masters, they don’t go very far, they don’t open too much. And if anyone is open, if he’s a real Master, if he teaches the real liberation, if he really saves souls, then he has a hell of a life. Any real Master has a hell of a life, even not die, but die and live again, die and live again. Sometimes sick or something, like 90 percent almost dead already and then come back again. It’s not easy because this planet has been controlled by this kind of force, controlling force, extreme force, dictatorship kind of system. And we have been shifted down here by them. More or less, we still belong to them, still under their control.

And at the moment, some planetary meetings are going on, often, to think of a way to do something, to invent, trying their best to invent something to break this spell. Because we don’t know technology, so we think it is a kind of spell, it’s a curse, or it’s a kind of magic. It’s not — really, just high tech. So, I’m not scared of them. Whatever they do, it’s just high tech. What’s the big deal? I also don’t know computers. I couldn’t even move a mouse, but I’m not scared of computer technology, all right? They have theirs, I have mine. I don’t need computers. I have people who can work on computer for me if I need. I rarely need anything. I don’t contact anyone. I have hardly the time. And now I don’t have a telephone as well. Wow! Freedom of technology. I don’t have anyone around me, really like that. If anyone’s around me at all, they’re making more trouble than help. So I have to work alone. Sometimes I wish I have one person, at least, around me just for some convenience, drive car quickly and … so I don’t have to call a taxi, I don’t have to wait in the rain for the car or for the taxi. But I just can’t. Up to now I don’t find anyone who I can get on with well. Yeah, because they take too much of this mental derangement system from other controlling powers and they feel confused around here.

Many people came from higher planets. Mostly, most of us come from higher planets. Higher technology doesn’t mean higher spiritual. That’s different, that’s different. Therefore, a person who can invent high technology or super computer doesn’t mean he’s spiritually enlightened. You know that for sure, so same, same. This kind of power, it’s just know-how; they just have high tech, but they use it for bad purposes, to control some of these inhabitants on the planet, as well as the ones that are being exiled here. This is a bad intention, bad manners, very rude, very undemocratic, and I don’t like it. So, after seeing so much like this, I really don’t like it, so I decided to give you initiation again. So, lucky you! Should thank God.

Master Lives Independently and Economically, Thus Saving Money to Help Others

I know very well that I might be going to suffer one way or another, but I will do it; doesn’t matter. At the moment, I’m high enough. So even if I die, it’s OK. But it’s better I don’t, because our planet’s still not stable, not stable and my kids not grown up yet. Not all of them have grown up. They still make trouble every day: “Mommy this, Mommy that …” “Master, Master … Itchy here, Master.” “Oh, a little cut, Master, help! Bleeding, bleeding.” “Master, my car is kaput.” “Master, my alarm clock doesn’t work. Wake me up tomorrow, OK?” Yeah, so that you can wake up on time, go to work, earn a few thousand dollars per month. Yeah, it’s good. But your precious time, eight hours a day, ten hours a day, just for a few thousand dollars. You need it anyway, but still, imagine if you can use that to do meditation. It earns a lot more. But never mind, we’re on this planet, we have to do something, and we also owe that to the society to pay back in some way or another. Even I am also working in a different way, different way. Even I also try to earn my own money. I don’t spend a lot, though. I look like I wear a lot of nice clothes, but this is all my creation, pretty cheap, homemade. Just costs some of the material costs. Even design jewelry and all that. But we have to pay for workers, pay for the tax for the company, etc., or related things. So, it costs more than it usually should cost. But for me, it’s my stuff.

Just nowadays, I don’t have a lot of time anymore, so you see me wearing less and less. No jewelry, no headgear, no hand gear, no nothing. Here in Hsihu, everyone comes and takes water from my land. This water did not come from the government. We dig some wells and store it in the water tank for you, to cook for you, to give you some water to eat. And the running system, the running stream here, I designed it so that it recycles the water, that’s all. It’s not forever running. It came from our well. Of course, the running water has more oxygen in it. It is nicer. And don’t take it unless you really need it. What for? You come here every week. You are not sick. Even if you’re sick, you think the water will heal you? Does it heal you? Anyone? Yes or no? Huh? (Yes.) Yes? Some of you, yeah? It’s your faith. How can the water heal you? OK, maybe it’s special water. But if you’re not sick, don’t take it. If you believe that the water heals you when you’re sick, take it only when you need, OK? Otherwise, at one time, we drank water with sand in it. I mean, we, me and the residents, long time, a few years ago. And then also we cannot have water to cook for ourselves after you left – to drink, to cook, we had no water at that time. And we had to dig more wells. But, I don’t know how much the earth can supply, because the water needs to also water the roots of all the plants around here, in the neighboring land. So, in summer, we also don’t have a lot of water, that’s for sure. So, take it easy on the water system here, OK? And then we also, our residents are taking care of the water systems. Make sure it’s running, make sure it’s clean, make sure it’s not blocked and it’s good enough to drink. But our residents are becoming older and older, like myself. Sometimes in the dark room, I look beautiful and young. I thought, “Wow, you still look good!” And then when it’s in the real sunlight, I saw, “Oh dear! Who is this grandma? Grandmom! Gram-gram!” Sometimes I look young in different situations. So, I like to stay in the dark room so that when I look in the mirror, the wrinkles don’t show too much.

Anyway, so after initiation try to meditate as much as you can. If you want to get above the water, then two-and-a-half hours, because we have 24 hours a day. It’s two-and-a-half hours is more or less like it. Should feel awake. Leave some ice water or something next to you. Sprinkle yourself. In old times, some people leave their hair long, so they can hang their hair on the beam. So, whenever … I cannot, you see? Maybe that’s why I grow my hair long. I’m just too lazy to go to the hairdresser. Actually, I’m a very cheap Master. I do my hair myself. All the styles you see on the TV, any time, any way, I did it all by myself. I dye my hair also myself. I wash it myself, of course. I style it myself. And the most lazy is like this. Or just put it up and zip with the crocodile teeth [hair clip]. Also do … It’s OK. And then I do makeup by myself. Many people who go on TV to talk, even ordinary people on an interview, they have the special artist make up for them. I do everything by myself. Sometimes I have to wash my own clothes, iron my own clothes, make me look good in front of you. So I’m very cheap. And even if I go out to eat in the restaurant sometimes, because for some reason, I don’t even like to go out to eat. I’m lazy. I like to stay at home all the time — cave woman. But sometimes I go out to eat. Even when I go out to eat, it’s so cheap, only vegetarian, very cheap. And I eat not too much. So, I can afford to give a lot of tip. And they all like me very, very much. Even if before they don’t care much about me, after I eat, after I give the tip, the face changes, glitters with happiness and surprise. “Oh! How come? You’re so generous.” I say, “Why not? You give me a lot of food, so I give you a lot of money.”

But if, I told you last week already, if I live the way other people live outside, then I’d have no money at all. I’d have no money to send Quan Yin Messengers to your countries. I’d have no money to buy even this piece of land for you. I’d have no money for car. I’d have no money for giving charity, nothing left. I’d have no money for Supreme Master TV. Nothing! You think all that money came from some sisters and brothers? No! From me, from my business. But I just don’t have it in my name. They are guarding my treasure. And then if we need, I tell them to send here, send there. I tell FG to tell this and that, to send here to help, send there to help. And sometimes I take money out and help myself, help them, not help myself. Help them myself, anonymously. And because of … I am a cheap Master, you can say that, low maintenance. All the clothes and jewelry I wear also because of advertisement – to sell. I’m also a model, even that! Not only I don’t spend a lot, I earn a lot. Therefore, I can do many things. I can help.

But, after I invite some group and they eat … because they don’t eat vegetarian, and inside that hotel there’s nothing, very little vegetarian. They said they … I invited them and I cannot tell them, “No! You cannot eat this. You cannot eat that.” I can gently say, “I’m vegetarian. If you want, you can join me today, eat vegetarian.” But they don’t. They eat meat, they eat fish, they eat all kinds of things. Then they drink wine, expensive stuff. And it amounts to a lot! I’m thinking to myself, “If I lived like that every day, whoa, I would have nothing left!” Not even these clothes to wear. OK, at home if you’re alone, you don’t have to wear a lot of clothes; therefore, you don’t need to turn on air-con. You take a good cold shower and then you just discard all of this beautiful dirt on you, beautiful dust, pink dust or blue dust or, yeah. And then you just stay by yourself like the day you were born, dance around, feeling free and happy. There are many communities, they don’t wear any clothes. I know one. I’ve been to one before. I didn’t know before I went there. They took me in California to buy a piece of land, a new piece of land; they didn’t like the land I offered. I bought it for them before when we didn’t have a lot of disciples. And they have more and more and they wanted a new center so I went with them to have a look. When I came in, “Oh, la la!” I came inside the gate, “Oh, la la,” who greeted me but some Adams and Eves, so beautiful. Little Adams and little Eves. Old Adams and young Eves, they were all naturally dressed and happy. It’s their community. They do what they want inside.

In Spain, I know one couple, because I was also looking for some place before, when I didn’t have so many so-called disciples like now. I also sometimes needed to go somewhere. I didn’t have a meditation center so I had to look for a place. I know that couple, they sold their place to me, a long time ago already. It’s not in my name anymore. I mean most of the places after I bought it, after a while, the disciples took over and it became in their names also. They take care also. They manage my money, my house, my place, while I’m running around having to live in a hotel, cheap hotel, you know, “cockroach hotel,” because some high-class hotels do not always have room. Mostly people, when they go to any country to live in a hotel, they are business people, important people or they are on holiday and they can afford a high-class hotel. They can pay; therefore, high-class hotels are mostly always full, and even if you can get in a few days, you cannot stay long; you have to change, either change room or change to another hotel. It’s inconvenient. But I have to live a life like that often because I have nowhere to go, nowhere to stay. I do have disciples around there but they don’t have room for me, that’s for sure. Most people, they buy a house just for themselves. They buy two, three rooms according to how many children they have and then so, where do I go anyway? I can’t stay there, take over their room. So it’s not so simple, my life. Not as simple as you think. Anyway, so if you see me living sometimes in one of the high-class hotels, please don’t criticize. Don’t tell the newspaper or anything. It’s not that I want it; I don’t care if I live in a cave or not, or in a high-class hotel. I just need somewhere to stay for that moment, for some reason, not always for myself.

All right then, what else did I want to say to you? What was it before that? Before the hotel, what was it? Orange juice if you tell! (Answer: Don’t wear too much.) Don’t wear too much. OK, economy for the world and for the water system. If you put too much detergent into our water system, then it will … then it will pollute our system. It cannot be washed away. Any poison, any chemical goes into the water, it cannot be gone. In the air, maybe it can dissipate but in the water, how? Just stays in there and recycles again, again and again. It’s terrible, so take care of yourself by taking care of the planet. It’s a little bit late now. We should have done it long ago but better than nothing. Better keep it as is and not worse.

The Frustrating System of This Planet

Also, we didn’t have mosquitoes before. And before, the animals, they didn’t have to eat each other to stay alive or to reproduce. Afterwards, the one that created them wanted it that way, so that they don’t have to take care of them. They just do it, take care by themselves. They don’t have to make anything for them to eat anymore. They just eat each other. And then they survive, whoever the strongest, things like that. So, it’s a horrible system. I hate this. I don’t like that. And then they make humans crazy out of frustration. Because the humans, this race of humans, they came from a higher society. They were free-thinking people. There are some high-tech inventors, scientists, healers, engineers in their homeland. And then because they made some mistakes, they have been exiled here, and forget everything, forget all the talents they have, forget all the freedom they have, and forget what glory their being was before they came down here. But somehow in some little remote corner of their mind, they feel something is not right about themselves in this environment, in their own situation. So they feel very frustrated. That’s why no one’s happy on this planet. And then we bicker with each other, we backstab, we make war, we steal, we lie, we compete to the extent of killing each other or harming each other because of all these frustrations inside. No answer to their questions, “Where do I come from? Where did I come from? What am I doing here? Why am I here?” etc., etc. So whenever you are feeling frustrated, then you should know that your memory has a little wakening. Try to calm yourself. If you feel frustrated, lonely, troubled, just go meditate, take a shower if you need to, meditate, listen to some nice music that you like or listen to my talk, choose the one that is smooth talking and praising, not the one that’s scolding and telling you do this, do that, not at that time. When you’re depressed, you just listen to some of my romantic music. Or listen to the story like today like I said how good you are, how glorious you have been. And you are just the victim of some wicked system. That’s why I got very mad. I’m mad at them. The more I’m mad at them, the more I’m loving people, I mean all beings on this planet, so I decided that OK, regardless of a few, some of you are bad, bad eggs, I still continue to give new people initiation, in the hope that they really awaken themselves, and then free themselves forever, forever and ever and ever. Then they can go to any planet they want. They can reincarnate back into a human body if they want to. But they don’t have to be forced to do that against their will and then be imprisoned in this horrible planet forever.

It looks beautiful from the outside, but our planet is full of fire underneath, boiling, not just boiling, but extremely boiling, almost like the heat of the sun. It came from boiling gas. So the outside is cooler, maybe the inside some crust, and crust is still cooler. But a lot of burning fire is still inside there, so we have a lot of stuff like earthquakes, volcanoes, and then therefore, influence the water, and the ocean and all that. And on top of that, some of the planetary humans awakened to their old habit of invention, of the knowledge of destruction and invented some bombs. And testing here, missiles there, H-bomb here, and whatever bomb next there, disturbing the atmosphere, killing the ozone layer, not completely, but injuring the protective layer of our planet, and changing the ecosystem, destroying many things slowly or quickly, some of them irreplaceable. Many of the species are gone, beautiful ones gone. And no one can replace them again, not even now; you cannot even order from the older company again, not old company, no more. Just like some companies, they go bankrupt. Some companies they don’t make enough profit, so they close, just like on our planet. So not like you’re thinking, “OK, never mind. Maybe another day, maybe we have magical power, we can create that.” You do have creation, creative power. Sometimes you can create one human or two, or one bird or two birds, if you have a pattern, or if you remember what you did before. But it’s not the whole species like that. We’re going down on the scale of variety, which is many of them are very beneficial to our lives. It beautifies our planet in any case.

Initiation Is the Passage to Freedom

It was more beautiful before when the animals didn’t eat each other, when we didn’t fight with each other, but sometimes out of frustration and being whispered inside inaudibly by these negative wicked beings, then we do bad things. And we don’t even know. So, many criminals, so-called criminals have been imprisoned unjustly. The ones who should be punished, or should be imprisoned are these baddies, rotten eggs, wicked, wicked beings from other planets. They’ve been controlling this planet for many hundreds of thousands of years. And before that, there were different systems at the time. And the last system is mostly gone. Just so much machinery is still around and no one can destroy it yet to free our planet.

And no one can stop this poison that’s been fed to the souls after they leave the body. No one can do it yet, except by the way of the Buddha, by the way of Jesus, direct implementation, direct communication, direct awakening from inside. Outside, we cannot do much. Inside, we can, because we are souls. And souls, there is a passage to connect with each other just like even simple speaking television. You can look at television from thousands of miles away, from across the ocean, over the mountains. So how to talk about the soul cannot communicate is a joke. It’s a joke that a soul cannot communicate with another soul. But we’ve been blocked. There is a passage here. You can go Home from there. When it’s opened, you’re free. Once it’s opened, you’re free! That’s it. But you have to continue walking to your Home — drive, walk, fly, whatever. Go Home. That’s it. You’re free. After initiation, you’re free, free, free! That’s all I can do for you. That’s all I can promise you. Behave yourself. Be good.

*The latest message: On October 1, Golden Year 14 (2017), Supreme Master Ching Hai unveiled a good news from Heaven in Her lecture in Hsihu: the system of rigid interplanetary control has been completely smashed.

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