2025年03月3日, 週一

Formosa Supreme Art Touring Exhibition

By Formosa News Group (Originally in Chinese)

“Once our inner Almighty power is awakened and developed, there is nothing that is impossible! We are here to learn, to learn to grow as well as to learn to use our power, our limitless power of love and creativity, to make the world a better place wherever we happen to be.”

~ The Supreme Master Ching Hai ~

Supreme Master Ching Hai has created exquisite art from ethereal inspirations from Heaven: drawings, stone paintings, fan paintings, porcelain paintings, Longevity Lamp designs, S.M. Celestial Jewelry designs, S.M. Celestial Clothing designs, poetry, music compositions and more. Presenting both inner and outer beauty, Her art creations bless all beings and elevate the world.

In early March of Golden Year 12 (2015), Taoyuan and Taichung Centers celebrated the traditional Lantern Festival and the local Taichung Dongshih Sindingban Festival. In addition, Kinmen, Tainan, Pingtung and Taitung Centers launched the Supreme Arts Exhibition Tour in Formosa, along with Taichung Center. Kinmen Cultural Affairs Bureau, Kinmen Daily News, Commercial Times, Liberty Times Net, NOWnews and many more media reported on the Supreme Arts Exhibition. Local artists, art lovers and the public actively participated in the events.   


On March 4 to 8, Golden Year 12 (2015), at the exhibition of Supreme Master Ching Hai’s illuminating art creations in Longtan District, a woman experienced incredible feelings after viewing the painting Stone Cave. She felt as if the lights broke through the stone. Many government officials and delegates were also deeply touched after visiting the exhibition. Formosa Chinese Arts Association Deputy Secretary General Mr. Yu Chang-You said, “Her art creation is harmonic, containing some sort of spiritual stream. I felt moved by viewing her paintings, having different emotions each time.”

Taoyuan City Councilor Mr. Yen Chung-Chien said he was honored to look closely at Supreme Master Ching Hai’s art creations and to appreciate Master’s kindness and beauty. Former President of Chinese Blue Sky Artists Association, USA Mr. Wang Xian-Ya said, “Painting helps nourish the inner life force (Chi), appearance and character. Master’s paintings can guide us towards kindness. If everyone shows kindness, society will subsequently be in harmony.” R.O.C. Oil Painting Association former Chairman Mr. Chen Kun-Di said, “Master’s painting shows innocence, nature and freedom. I am very impressed, and looking forward to pursuing the idea of loving the planet and making peace.”




From April 19 to 26, Golden Year 12 (2015), at the exhibition of Supreme Master Ching Hai’s inspirational art creations co-hosted by the Cultural Affairs Bureau of Kinmen County, the wife of County Council Secretary-General volunteered to help. Cultural Affairs Bureau Director-General Mr. Lu Kun-Ho changed his schedule in order to attend the grand opening ceremony. After the ceremony, Director-General Mr. Lu, accompanied by bureau members, came to personally express his gratitude towards our Association for diligently organizing the event. Members of the Kinmen Photographic Society came to take photos of Master’s art creations, and planned to publish the photos in their quarterly publication for their members to have a glance at Heaven’s creations. During the exhibition, many foreign tourists loved Master’s art and asked whether the art could be sold, hoping to get their favorite pieces before the end of their trip.

A retired high school teacher praised Master’s art, saying, “Master’s paintings show a wide range of colors, express a variety of styles, and are without boundaries. They are very impressive.” An elderly woman came to enjoy Master’s work on the opening day, and brought three friends with her the next day. We were happy to witness true love shining from deep in people’s hearts everywhere in Kinmen.




With over 100 years of history, the Taichung Dongshih Sindingban Festival is one of the 12 major Formosan Hakka Festivals. It took place from March 5 to 7, Golden Year 12 (2015), at the Dongshih Hakka Cultural Park. Taichung Center organized the exhibition of Master’s blissful art creations for the locals to enjoy. On the opening day, 10 Longevity Lamps were displayed at the front corridor of the Hakka Cultural Artifacts Exhibition Hall in the Cultural Park, and they became the central attraction. Many tourists and locals stopped by to view and photograph the lamps. In addition, nearly 40 of the various lamp styles were shown at the booth. Local hometown official Mr. Luo said, “Longevity Lamps symbolize light, giving people a peaceful and warm feeling.”

Manager Ms. Liu of the Dongshih Hakka Cultural Park said, “After displaying the Longevity Lamps, warmth and calmness filled the atmosphere. People felt a steady, calm and orderly energy warming up their hearts. The whole exhibition was full of love, like being at home.” After the exhibition, he reserved an area in the Culture Park for the long-term exhibition of the Longevity Lamps. Exhibit Director Mr. Yang favored the Longevity Lamp Hometown, and said, “This is like the Hakka tradition of lighting up a lamp to guide people to their home in Heaven.”

The Supreme Art Exhibition in Dongshih Hakka Cultural Park was an outstanding success, leading to an invitation by World Trade Center Taichung for the Supreme Art Exhibition to be displayed at the Taichung Vegetarian Health Organic & LOHAS (Lifestyles of Health and Sustainability) Expo during June Golden Year 12 (2015). The organizer provided over 660 square meters in the expo for our Association free of charge. Our Association members from Taichung Center planned meticulously for this expo displaying Supreme Art and Vegan LOHAS ideas. A special seated area was set up for the screening of the Loving the Silent Tears musical, which many people enjoyed. One of the visitors felt very touched and said, “I just realized, through the commentator of this exhibition, why Master Ching Hai always dressed herself very beautifully.” Concurring with the idea of “showing the most beautiful side in life is a noble act,” she felt our booth was really great!

The Supreme Art Exhibition was held at Taichung City Shihgang Visitor Information Center from July 24 to 30, Golden Year 12 (2015). Many cultural figures, government officials and media came to the opening day ceremony. Followed by special guest speeches and Master’s Supreme Art documentary, a joint lamp-lighting ceremony was held by The Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association delegate; Taichung City Council for Hakka Affairs’ Director Mr. Liu Hong-Ji; District of Shigang Supervisor Mr. Gao Wen-Sheng; the wife of the Taiwan Glass Gallery’s Board Chairman Ms. Kang Meng-Jing; and artist Mr. Lin Cang-Yu to declare the start of the exhibition. Mr. Lin Cang-Yu then guided the audience through Master’s magnificent art creations; thus, the festival was in full swing!

For the next three days beginning on July 25, at the exhibit hall, our Association members entertained the audience with special performances. Taichung Association members danced, descending like fairies coming to Earth, Mongolian Association members performed traditional dance solos, and a chorus of our Association members from Taichung, along with several other acts, attracted many tourists to the exhibit hall to enjoy the exhibition. Daily raffle drawings were also a major attraction for visitors. Nearly 100 people enjoyed the two musicals, The Real Love and Loving the Silent Tears, each day. There were many people staying in the Poetry Singing and Book Reading sections to listen to Master’s singing and to read Master’s art creation publications. We were delighted to see residents and visitors of Shigang District enjoying a wonderful journey of spiritual art.

Mr. Wu Kai-Chien, the artist who founded the “Wujin” epoxy resin painting style, said, “Master’s paintings contain great energy; thus I felt inspired while viewing the painting. If a higher-level spiritual practitioner were able to see the paintings, his or her soul would be greatly enlightened.” Board Chairman of the Freshwater Institute of Mongolia Dr. Dorjsuren Dechinlhundev was deeply attracted by the painting Stone Cave. “I felt the very harmonic love energy, allowing me easily to enter Samadhi. I bought this painting to hang it on the wall in my office, so I can feel Master’s abundance of love all the time.”

Taichung: Dongshih District


Taichung: World Trade Center Taichung


Taichung: Shigang District


Pingtung, Taitung and Tainan

On March 21, Golden Year 12 (2015), the Loving the Silent Tears musical was screened at the Pingtung County Performing Arts Center. At the entrance, our Association members set up the Supreme Art Exhibition. The exhibition area was transformed into a heavenly realm. The Deputy Magistrate of Pingtung County Government, the Honorable Ms. Wu Li-Xue, and Pingtung County Councilor Mr. Hsu Zhan-Wei participated in the event.

On April 25, Golden Year 12 (2015), the Supreme Art Exhibition and the Loving the Silent Tears musical screening were brought to the Lecture Hall in Taitung County Cultural Affairs Department. Attracting a large crowd, the event also showcased Master’s various uplifting books including Celestial Art, The Noble Wilds and poetry collections as well as CDs and DVDs. Not only was the Lecture Hall full, the walkways on both sides were also occupied. Everyone was mesmerized by the first-class musical and the enlightening Supreme Art. The attending VIP guests included Taitung County Governor’s Secretary Mr. Chi Ming-Hua; the Prolocutor’s Secretary of Taitung County Council Mr. Zeng Jin-Zhan; the County Councilor Mr. Zhou Da-San’s wife, Ms. Shi Xiu-Jing; the Principal of Pinuyumayan school Ms. Akawyan Pakawyan; and the Executive Secretary of Taitung Tourism Association Mr. Tsai Ming-He.

The Supreme Art Exhibition came to the General Classroom in the Labor Recreation Center of Tainan City from September 26 to 28, Golden Year 12 (2015) and attracted waves of guests. In the afternoon of the 28th, our Association members organized stone coloring and paper-fan coloring activities, which were thoroughly enjoyed by many children.

We would like to thank local officials and other distinguished and honored guests for helping with and participating in the exhibition for the last few months. We also wish to express our gratitude to many Formosa media: NOWnews, Liberty Times Net, China Daily News, Commercial Times, Taichung News, Central News Agency, FM News, TraNews, Digital TV, Taichung City News Net, etc., for sharing reports of the Supreme Art Exhibitions.

As reservations for the Supreme Art Exhibition keep coming in, the tour of the exhibition will continue in Formosa to share Master’s elevating art creations with more people, bringing more joy, harmony, and beauty to the world!







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