2025年03月25日, 週二

Elevation of the Soul

Supreme Master Ching Hai’s Latest Videos 2017/2016

While continuing Her intensive meditation for the elevation of the world and the universe, Supreme Master Ching Hai took time to see our Association members during Her stay in Formosa and Hong Kong on a few occasions since fall 2016. Master shared with everyone Her personal experiences and impressions of Her trips, and reminded us to be considerate to all beings. Ever so loving and patient, She answered questions from our Association members, and reminded everyone to meditate more to find the answers within. In addition, She told interesting stories about Her newly adopted dogs, and revealed that their inner noble qualities qualified them for Heavenly names! For more details of these precious spiritual gatherings, please visit EdenRules: 2017/2016 New Videos Watch Online, with multi-language subtitles.


Supreme Master Ching Hai’s MP4s and MP3s 

EdenRules.com offers a large selection of lectures and discourses given by Master as well as Her enchanting songs over the last 30 years in MP4 (video) with multi-language subtitles and MP3 (audio) formats. All are available for watching and listening online and downloading free of charge. Whether you are on the road or at home, you can instantly connect to Supreme Master Ching Hai’s elevating energy and listen to Her words of wisdom. Please visit: www.EdenRules.com


In addition, many of Supreme Master Ching Hai’s books, DVDs and CDs of Her lectures, musical compositions, poetry and musicals are available at the Celestial Shop (TheCelestialShop.com). Free ebooks are available for download at The Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association Publishing Company (www.SMCHbooks.com/new-eng/ebook/index.htm).