2025年03月10日, 週一

The Destiny Of Planets: Revelations On Mars, Venus and Earth

Conversation with Supreme Master Ching Hai

The unknown elements of the universe have long been enchanting to humankind. From ancient astrologers and spiritual teachers to modern scientists and philosophers, Earth’s inhabitants have eagerly studied the galaxy and envisioned the possibility of life on other planets. We have been to the Moon. We have been to Mars. We have produced photographic evidence of intelligent life in outer space, and we have discovered Earth-like planets that support life. In recent decades in particular, space missions such as Phobos, Viking and Curiosity have made our galactic neighbors the center of public attention, causing us to wonder, “Were Mars and Venus once like Earth — beautiful paradises resplendent with rich oceans, clean air, fertile land and forests teeming with colorful, precious birds and animal life?” What happened to make them barren and inhospitable, and does life exist on them at present?

With her profound love of humanity and deep understanding of our truth-seeking spirit, Supreme Master Ching Hai has often spoken about the existence of intelligent life on other planets, and of galactic civilizations. In many ways, her intimate knowledge of Mars and Venus parallels longstanding scientific and philosophical views on extraterrestrial life. Upon invitation by the Supreme Master Television staff in 2009, Master Ching Hai spoke via videoconference and graciously revealed some surprising secrets about the past and present condition of Venus and Mars. Before answering the staff’s questions, Master Ching Hai conducted extensive research during a period of profound meditation, tracing back billions of years and searching the universe for detailed information on the catastrophes that befell our neighboring planets. During the video-conferences, Master Ching Hai humbly expressed her deepest gratitude to the Elders of Mars and The Goddess of the Galaxy Record Library for having provided her with such priceless information on the history and present status of our planetary neighbors. She also sincerely thanked the courageous scientists who share their knowledge of the universe with the public.

While describing the tragic destruction of life on Mars and Venus, Master Ching Hai informed Earth’s inhabitants about the extreme danger of raising animals for food and of living a non-virtuous lifestyle. She once again lovingly asked us to wake up, with the motto, “Be vegan, make peace,” and invited us to open our hearts to the loving lifestyle and moral, spiritual path. Master Ching Hai also emphasized that in order to have real communication with the human beings of other planets, we earthlings need to first nurture our innate moral and spiritual qualities. The civilization of Earth can advance further and faster once her citizens become compassionate and kind to our own co-inhabitants and to the other beings in the universe.

Indeed, Earth may now have reached the point in its history that Mars and Venus did long ago. Thus, the time is truly ripe for us all to welcome the precious opportunity for change and to start our renewal together with Mother Earth. We are deeply grateful to Master Ching Hai for her boundless love and tireless efforts to help Earth’s inhabitants restore the planet’s delicate health. Our thanks also go to Supreme Master Television, which has made previously unrevealed truths about Mars and Venus accessible to earnest readers like you.

Cities on Mars, Plants on Venus?

Many Earth-Like Planets in the Universe

In the text, “M” stands for Supreme Master Ching Hai and “Q” stands for questioner.

Q: First, most beloved Master, we are so deeply grateful that you are taking some of your precious time to be with us today. Thank you for blessing us with your most loving and beautiful presence. Thank you, Master.

M: Thank you for inviting me. I know you wanted to ask me some questions long time ago, some hot topics like Venus and all that, but we have been busy, yes? And I am really squeezing it in so we can have some time together.

Q: Yes, Master, yes. We have lots of questions for you.

M: Please, go ahead.

Q: Recently, astronomers discovered a relatively nearby Earth-like planet called Gliese 581G, and they say it’s probably the most Earth-like planet yet, and most likely to be inhabited because it’s orbiting right in the middle of the habitable zone, where liquid water could exist on the planet’s surface. And scientists are also amazed at how quickly they were able to detect this planet and how it’s relatively nearby our own planet, which led them to believe that there must be many, many planets like this, and it must be really common.

M: I have told you.

Q: Master, is there life on this planet, and if so, what kind of beings live there? Are they like us, and will we be able to contact them in the near future?

M: It could be a long, long, long time. Yes, there are beings on this planet, of course. These beings look like us; many of the planets look like us, like people.

Q: Are there more Earth-like planets in our galaxy that are currently inhabited with humans?

M: Lots and lots and lots and tons and tons of them, honey. So don’t be too proud that you are the only human beings on the only planet, all right? The people, so beautiful like you, are tons and tons in the whole universe. Earths like ours are tons and tons, okay?

Q: How many are there? And can Master tell us a little bit more about them?

M: How many? My God! I can’t count, sorry. There are so many. They are similar to our civilization. Some are more benevolent and more developed, spiritually and technically; some are less. Some are more developed spiritually than us; some are less spiritually developed than us, but more technologically advanced and some are balanced.

Q: Are these Earth-like planets in or outside our galaxy?

M: In our galaxy alone, there are countless planets similar to ours, with similar inhabitants like us here on Earth. Most of them have higher living standards than ours. I’m talking about physical planets similar to ours. They have UFO’s, of course. They have the disc that they can fly together. They have flying cars. They have individual flying belts, flying discs. The citizens of those highly developed planets contribute to what they are like and what they are able to do for the common good of all without payment or reward. They all work together in peace, in perfect understanding and cooperation.

Q: Wow!

M: They are all vegan, those higher developed planets; they’re all vegan, meaning vegetarian with no touch of animal products, no trace of animals’ blood in their diet. And they live purely by love and the power of the Divine. They are always in communion with the Divine and at peace within themselves and at peace with one another. This is because they are always, always happy and they are connected with their divine nature and that of the universe.

The Fate of Mars and Venus

Q: Master, scientists reported that billions of years ago our neighbouring planet Venus could have had oceans like Earth, but they dried up, partly because Venus was so close to the sun. Still, the presence of water could mean that there was physical life there, and scientists believe today that there is microbial life. Was Venus ever like Earth, sustaining life?

M: Yes, yes, it was. Yes. It was once a beautiful planet, and now it’s no more. There’s no life up there at all, not life as we know it. It’s a pity.

Q: The beings that were there before, did they look like us?

M: Yes, they did look like us.

Q: Did Venus ever have a landscape similar to Earth, with thriving life and green hills, blue seas, or did it have a different landscape?

M: Yes, yes, they had similar. Our neighboring planets like Venus and Mars had a similar landscape. Some were more strikingly exquisite, more beautiful. Long ago, Mars and Venus were once a lot like our planet. They had water, life, and people similar to us. There were four Venuses in our galaxy. They are so named because they’re all similar, yes? Similar in size, similar landscape, similar beauty. They call them all Venus. Two of them were destroyed. And now, we still have two more Venuses which are very beautiful, much more advanced in technology than our planet.

Q: Japan’s ex-First Lady Miyuki Hatoyama has written a book entitled, Most Bizarre Things I’ve Encountered, where she revealed her travel to Venus. And she mentioned in interviews that her spirit flew on a triangular-shaped UFO to Venus. It was an extremely beautiful place and was very green.

M: I’m very glad that the First Lady courageously did this, because coming from her, people might believe it more than if it came from you, me, for example.

Q: And Master, during the conference with Seoul Center, Korea, you had promised that there would be a time to speak more in detail about Mars and particularly about their own past planetary crisis.

M: Did I promise? Okay, a promise is a promise.

Q: May we know what the Martians look like? Where and how do the Martians live?

M: They look like you. They look like us, yes. They live underground, and they live very frugally, recycling-ly, and spiritually. They’re not used to living on the surface anymore. They’re safer down there, because Mars is still not habitable. The people who survived on Mars, more or less six million of them, are the good people.

Q: Since how long have Martians been living underground?

M: After the mass destruction on Mars, they began to live underground.

Q: Supreme Master Television recently interviewed Robert Orel Dean, retired Command Sergeant Major of the US Army, and an expert Ufologist.5 When we told Mr. Dean of what Master has shared about Mars, about how they were destroyed through global warming, and how the Martians now live underground, Mr. Dean said, “She is right,” meaning Master is correct.

M: Yes, I am just informed, okay, informed by the benevolent people on Mars.

Q: He confirmed that there is life on Mars, how Mars lost most of its surface seas and atmosphere, and the survivors had to go underground. He said there are large cities under the surface of Mars and that there’s a photo taken by the Soviet Phobos 2 spacecraft showing a city the size of Chicago.

M: They even have a photo! Thank the scientists! Look at that. We have to thank the scientists profusely for that.

I didn’t know anything about this photo stuff. I just know it myself. Well, now that we know the photo, that’s wonderful! That’s confirmation of what I told you. When did they take this photo of the large city, “Chicago,” on Mars, Martian Chicago?


[image_source]Image Courtesy of Project Camelot[/image_source]

Q: Around the late 1980’s.

M: Why do we know about it now?

Q: This Ufologist was a US Army Sergeant Major, Robert Dean, who reveals it.

M: Robert Dean. That’s kind of him. Normally this is classified. How “dare” he even tell us? So courageous. We have to give him a Hero Award. We thank him so much. This will be very good for humankind to know this. This is the knowledge that all humans should have. Tell him I love him. Tell him I thank him immensely for this confirmation. Thank God that somebody knew about it and confirmed it.

Q: Master, how does it happen that Mars, Earth and Venus were all inhabited by humanoid-looking beings like us? Did we have similar ancestors?

M: Yes, we have only one ancestor. That is God. But some are fallen angels. Now, the reason they look similar to us is because we had similar merits to Mars, Venuses, and some other planets in our galaxy, in our galaxy only.

Q: Mars is known today as uninhabitable and Venus is boiling hot.

M: Yes! The inhabitants of Mars and Venus destroyed their respective planetary homes because they raised too much livestock and the gases released triggered an irreversible greenhouse-gas effect, plus poisonous hydrogen sulfide in the case of Mars. So that’s why we see only the traces of the landforms and oceans that once used to be there. And on Venus, the atmosphere is so heated and choked up with CO2 – carbon dioxide – scientists thus called it “runaway global warming,” and say this is what the future of Earth might be like. The citizens on the two destroyed Venuses, their conscience is zero. Their moral standard is zero. Their tolerance for God and Divinity is zero. It was because of this and the meat diet combined that destroyed the two Venuses.

Q: Are there many planets in the galaxy being destroyed for the same reason?

M: Of course, there are countless of them, I’m very sorry to say. Maybe I have it here somewhere. [Master checks the notes from her research.] Around 5 billion planets have been destroyed or in a similar fate to Venus or Mars. If any planet has harbored or practiced such a [meat-eating] lifestyle, they will also have to face the threat of extinction like what we are facing right now. We only need to look at our own neighboring planets, Mars and Venus, to see that the vision is bleak, is disastrous, if we don’t make the right choice, the right change now. Any planetary scientist knows that Mars and Venus went through dramatic atmospheric changes in the past, similar to what we have begun to experience right now. So let’s not end up like either Mars or Venus, our neighboring planets. However, it’s not difficult to change all this. It is easy. It is easy to bring our dream into reality. We just have to return to our original loving self, because that’s what we are. We are love. We are divine. We are compassion. We are all the best in the universe. It’s just that we forget. And consuming meat, taking wine, bringing intoxicants and drugs into our body will only help us to go further and further and further from the very peaceful world that we so dream of, that we so much want to live in. I just still hope people will listen. Who knows? I still have this positive hope that people will change.