Bob Dean :
Barcelona Exopolitics Summit, Spain, July 2009
here for the
on each of the links in the text below to view the high-resolution
NASA images which Bob is referring to in his presentation. Alternatively,
click on each
of the thumbnails in the collage for large high-resolution
images that can be downloaded and examined closely.
The images
are several Mb each. You are welcome to share them freely. (Note
that the third image, which in many ways appears the most spectacular,
may have a prosaic explanation: click
here and read with interest.)

Bob Dean (BD): I hope I can be heard. Will someone turn
this on?
Before I begin, I would like to say a couple of words of deep
appreciation for the sponsors and people who have put this
program together. I have been involved in speaking publicly
all over the planet and all over the United States. I have
been to conferences here, I have been to conferences there,
and I know how terribly difficult it can be to put a program
like this together.
I have to say I have tremendous respect and admiration for
the people who have done this. Most of all, I respect their
courage for dealing with a subject like this where most of
the elite leadership and the power groups of the world want
this subject to go away. And these courageous young men who
have put this together are brave and they deserve your respect
and your admiration, and I want to say I thank you because
I know what you’ve been through.
Now, I must explain something else to you. I never read from
a script. I don’t have a prepared script to follow. I
get up on a stage and I talk to people like yourselves and
I kind of wing it.
I have so much material and I have such a problem of keeping
it under the allotted time that I’ve been given. I have
come today prepared to speak to you for three hours. I am only
allowed one hour and fifteen minutes. So something is going
to have to give. But bear with me, I’ll do the damndest
job I can. It’s important that you see the photographs
of the NASA pictures that I have brought with me.
Now, my journey began 45 years ago. I began a journey that,
if I had known then what I know now, if I had known the pain,
the anguish, the heartbreak that I was going to experience
over these 45 years, I might not have started that journey
at all.
But here I am in Barcelona in 2009 with some of the most delightful
people I have ever met. And looking back, I find that the journey
was worth the effort; it was worth the pain; it was worth the
heartbreak. I’m delighted to be here and I’m delighted
to see all of you out there.
This is such an encouragement to me that people are beginning
to demand the truth. They know they have been lied
to from the very beginning, and they want to know. And I’m
going to -- here, this afternoon, hopefully -- contribute one
small measure to helping you understand and helping you know.
Most of my adult life, or most of the first
part of my adult life, I was a professional soldier. I was
in the army. I joined the army in 1950 to avoid the draft,
ended up going to Officer’s
Candidate School (OCS); and, so help me God, while I was
going to OCS at Fort Riley, Kansas, the North Koreans invaded
South Korea.
The next thing I know I’m on the front lines in Korea
being shot at by a bunch of pissed-off Chinese and North Koreans
who tried to kill me -- and I had nothing against them; I didn’t
want to kill them. Here I am, in 1951, leading combat troops
in Korea in one of the bloodiest wars we have ever had, and
the rest, I guess you could say, is history.
I led combat troops in Korea in 1951; I spent 27 years on
active duty and I also was involved in the war of Southeast
Asia in 1970, where I was part of an organization that gathered
intelligence in the jungles of Southeast Asia: South Vietnam,
Laos and Cambodia. Let me tell, you some of those years were
rather harrowing.
The most harrowing experience I was to have was when I was
assigned to Paris, France, in 1963, to what we considered in
those days a plush assignment, a plumb assignment. I was able
to go to Paris, France, take my family with me and my children
went to high school in Paris and, as I said, this was a plumb
assignment. I had no idea what I was to find when I got there.
When I arrived in the summer of 1963, I arrived with a Top
Secret clearance. When I arrived at the Supreme Headquarters
Allied Powers in Europe, which was located at that time in
a small town known as Rocquencourt, right outside of Paris,
my security clearance was upgraded to Cosmic Top Secret, which
was then -- and still is today -- the highest level of security
classification that NATO has.
I had to have a Cosmic Top Secret clearance to work in SHOC,
Supreme Headquarters Operations Center: the war room. I was
a Senior Master Sergeant at the time and, when I was assigned
in SHOC, I was given the job of maintaining the Duty Roster.
We worked on a 24-hour basis, day after day after day. And
I was given the job of running the Duty Roster when I worked
in SHOC.
Back in those days -- let me tell you, the war rooms were
somewhat primitive. You’ve seen pictures today; I’m
sure, of the control centers of the most major installations
like S.A.C. [Strategic Air Command] in Colorado Springs. Everything
is electronic. Everything is demonstrated on the wall extensions
just like this mural that’s up here.
Back in those days we had teletype; we had field telephones
and, if we wanted something on display, we had to go up and
take a pin and put it on a wall and show the controllers where
this division was, where that Soviet regiment was and so on
and so on; very primitive.
When I arrived in the summer in 1963, I heard rumors about
a study that was underway. Now, it interested me instantly,
because the study was about UFOs and I was intrigued by that
possibility. I was curious about UFOs and had no idea then
what they represented. But we used to discuss this in SHOC,
in the war room, that something was underway. What was it about?
What happened?
Well, it appears that on the morning of the 2nd of February
1961, World War III almost began. It was involved in the flyover
of large numbers of circular metallic craft, flying in formation,
very obviously under intelligent control. They would fly out
of the Soviet sector in the Warsaw Pact toward the U.S. in
formation at a high rate of speed and at a very high altitude.
They would turn north over the English Channel over the southern
coast of England and then they would disappear off of NATO
radar over the Norwegian Sea.
On that morning of the 2nd February 1961, World War III almost
began. The Soviets went on red alert. The NATO forces went
on red alert. Everybody was, you know … fingers on their
triggers, thumbs poised above those red buttons. And World
War III was just moments away.
Within 20 minutes, it was all over. The objects flew, turned
north and disappeared off of radar. It was all over. After
this event occurred, a British Air Marshal, by the name of
Sir Thomas Pike, who was a Deputy Supreme Allied Commander
in Europe at that time; he was the deputy to my boss, General
Lyman Lemnitzer, an American Four-Star General who was known
as SACEUR, Supreme Allied Commander of Europe.
Air Marshal Pike says: I’ve had enough of this. These
objects had been showing up regularly, from time to time. As
I said, they almost triggered a war.Air Marshal Pike said: We
are going to come to terms and find out what the hell is going
on here. I want to know.
So he began a study. He initiated a study in SHAPE [Supreme
Headquarters Allied Powers Europe] headquarters that was to
last for three years. They published it and issued it in the
summer of 1964 while I was there working in the war room. They
titled it An Assessment: An Evaluation of a Possible Military
Threat to Allied Forces in Europe.
That’s all it had. Just a title head and front, couldn’t
learn very much about that: An Assessment: An Evaluation
of a Possible Military Threat to Allied Forces in Europe.
I was working in the war room one early morning around 2:00
or 3:00 a.m. and, as I jokingly used to refer to it, the coffee
was too black to drink. We read all the newspapers and magazines.
Many of you have heard military life is about 99 percent boredom
broken up with one percent of sheer terror. And that’s
the way it used to be and that’s the way it probably
is even today.
I’m sitting there nodding off, and this
American Air Force Full Colonel looked at me and he says: Wake
He went over to the vault. The vault at SHOC was a walk-in
safe. You opened the door and walked in and we kept classified
documents in there. The colonel went over to the vault, the
file, and pulled out this document and threw it on my desk
and he says: Read that; that’ll wake you up.
Ladies and gentlemen, my life changed. I opened
the first page and I couldn’t put it down. I read and
read and read. And I read it every time I was on duty in the
war room. I was shocked; I was stunned by the implications
of what I read in that study. As I said, my life has never
been ever quite the same.
The study, briefly -- and I have to briefly
lay this out; I could talk for two hours about this -- but
the study simply concluded this: Is there
a threat to Allied Forces in Europe? Apparently not.
They concluded that the planet Earth and the human race had
been under some kind of survey or observation going on for
hundreds, if not thousands, of years. They concluded, in 1964,
that there were at least four different groups coming here,
observing us, surveying us, analyzing us, closely watching
us, what we were up to, what we were doing. They concluded
that it did not appear to be a military threat involved, because
their repeated demonstrations of incredibly advanced technology
demonstrated to us that, if they had been hostile or malevolent,
there was absolutely nothing we could do. If they were evil
in their intent and they were hostile toward us, it would have
been over a long time ago.
So, the conclusion was there were four different groups involved.
They have been coming here for a very, very long time. Apparently
they were not malevolent or hostile. The question was: What
the hell are they doing here? Why are they here and why are
they interested in us? Well, we did not know in 1964 what their
agenda or their motives were and I will tell you, honestly
and frankly, that even today our authorities, our senior military,
our national security people still don’t totally grasp
what their motives are, what their agendas are.
Well, this study in 1964 was simply a beginning for me. As
I said, I was never really quite the same again. I jokingly
say I’m usually a normal human being. And, after I read
that study and launched on my 45 years of research, I lost
all aspects of normality. I will be frank and tell you that
over the years of my study, and the material that I have learned
and gathered has brought about in me a complete destruction
of my old world view, my old world paradigms.
The world view that I held since I was a kid growing up --
everything made sense, you know. I knew why I was here and
I knew where I was going, what was taking place. After I spent
45 years on this, it all collapsed around my knees. That was
the destructive aspect of my personality. That was the part
that changed me completely from the kind of human being that
I had been before into the kind of human being I am today.
Ladies and gentlemen, I am totally alienated.
[laughter] No pun intended.
I said in a couple of interviews and previews and such: I
have had -- for many, many years -- a love-hate relationship
with the human race. One moment I love you. The next minute
I hate your guts. One minute I adore you for the potential
and the beauty of your music and your literature and your art
and the next minute I’m saying: To hell with all
of you. Blow them up. Let them blow themselves up. Clean
the planet off. Get rid of them.
That’s part of the struggle of having lost your old
worldview when your whole paradigm collapses around your knees.
So the man standing in front of you here today is literally
a human wreck, as compared to what I used to be. But I feel
pretty good about it. I lost all my old illusions. I opened
my eyes and I saw the future. And I’m very happy about
what I see.
I have learned over the years from an infinite variety of
sources here, there and everywhere. I didn’t retire from
the army until 1976 and I kept my Top Secret clearance up until
that moment. After I retired, I went to work for the Federal
Emergency Management Agency and worked another 14 years for
the U.S. government, where I had a Top Secret clearance.
So I have a total of 41 years of federal service to the United
States. But I’ve heard things over the years that literally
still today stun me and shock me. I’ve learned that the
human race is a hybrid race. I’ve learned that we are
not merely alone; we have never been alone. We have had an
intimate interrelationship with advanced extraterrestrial intelligence
from the beginning of our history. And let me tell you that
that intimate interrelationship is still going on.
This one race, in particular, apparently reengineered us as
a species about 200,000 years ago. What we are here today is
what we call homo sapien sapiens -- you’re an
engineered creature. Your genetics have been manipulated. You’re
not the same as what you were and you are not the same as to
what your children and grandchildren and great grandchildren
will be in the next hundred years.
The human race is going through a transition. It’s more
than a transition. It’s what I have learned to be a transcendent
transformation into a new race, into a new future. And your
descendants will be as different from what you are here today
as what you are from the old Australopithecus happened to be
many years ago.
That’s not something to be afraid of. It’s something
to look forward to. You’re growing, you’re developing
and you’re becoming a new race, a new species. Your grandchildren,
your great-grandchildren and the descendents on in the next
century or two have destiny in the stars. Don’t you doubt
that for a minute.
This species, this race, this troublesome bunch of monkeys,
has a destiny in the stars and we are a part of this infinite
universe filled with intelligent life. And we have been from
the beginning but we are only now beginning to wake up and
see it. Only now are we beginning to open our eyes and listen
with our ears and look out there and say, all right where
have I been? What am I now? Where am I going?
As I said, your destiny is in the stars. Your
generations to come, your descendants, your grandchildren and
your great-grandchildren will go out there and they will claim
their rightful place. [applause] In a universe filled with
intelligent life. Your place out there belongs to you. You
have a right to that and you will claim it.
There is so much to talk about. I’ve got some slides
that I have to share with you. Would you gentlemen please put
the first picture up on the screen? I’m being assisted
by some very wonderful people back behind the scenes.
I like to start with a shot like this. Pictures of this nature
inspire me. It gives you a glimpse of the community you are
a part of, a little glimpse of the stars out there, the nebulae.
That’s where you’re from and that’s where
you’re going home again to. That’s where you belong.
Next picture, please.
I love these; they’re so beautiful. I have some of these
on my wall at home. They inspire me. I look at them and I have
the sense of recognition that I’ve been there before
and I know that I’m going back.
But something happened in my country over the last few years
that I am very, very troubled by. Just last week the United
States celebrated the 40th anniversary of putting a man on
the moon. They went through this whole whoop-dee-do of patting
ourselves on the back. Gee, wasn’t that neat. Armstrong,
Aldrin, you know, Collins up there in orbit, on the moon. Aren’t
we great people, aren’t we magnificent? Look what we
Well let me tell you about a couple of things they did that
you may not have ever have heard about before. They took the
few pictures they had; they had it all televised. Everybody
-- Rock, Walter Cronkite and all of them were looking up. Golly,
gee, isn’t this great, isn’t this neat? We’ve
got a couple of guys on the moon.
Ladies and gentlemen, my government, NASA,
which many of us in the United States say stands for Never
A Straight Answer, proceeded to erase 40 rolls of film
of the Apollo Program -- the flight to the Moon, the flight
around the Moon, the landings on the Moon, the walking of guys
here and there. They erased, for Christ’s sake, 40 rolls
of film of those events.
Now we’re talking about several thousand individual
frames that were taken that the so-called authorities determined
that you did not have a right to see. Oh, they were disruptive,
socially unacceptable, politically unacceptable. I’ve
become furious. I’m a retired Command Sergeant Major.
I was never famous for having a lot of patience.
The idea, when I found out, that they had erased 40 rolls
of film involving of several thousand individual shots about
what really happened up there, I became so furious that, you
know, I could have punched the director of NASA in the nose.
I’m not the easiest man. I like to tell people that,
like Henry Higgins in My Fair Lady, I have the milk
of human kindness by the quart in every vein, so I really am
a gentle man. But I have the capability, the potential of being
rather dangerous and violent. And these lies and these cover-ups
that I have learned about firsthand over the years literally
infuriate me.
And I hope it infuriates you, because these authorities, these nit-wits in
high positions of power who are proceeding to spend all the
money the American people make for their own use, their own
private programs, and then lie through their teeth about what
the truth really is.
Well, thanks to the idea that there were a few employees in
NASA 40 years ago – even today there are some good people
working there, decent people, honest people – I have
some film that they preserved, that was not destroyed.
Gentlemen, put up the next picture for me. [applause]
This is a NASA photo. This is Apollo
12, Apollo Systems 12, roll number 50, negative number 7348.
They were flying over the Moon before they landed. They went
into orbit around the moon, as many of you know. I’m
sure this is no secret. They went into orbit around the Moon
and, while they were there in orbit around the Moon, a number
of anomalous artifacts began showing up showing interest
in them. Next picture, please.
Ah, this
picture was taken by Neil Armstrong. While looking out
of their window of their little craft, this object flew by.
There is the moon in the background, of course, below the
object that flew by the window of that little craft that
they were riding in. Neil took the Hasselblad camera that
he had, put it up to the window and snapped this picture.
Next picture, please.
Apollo 12, roll 51, negative 8653, something like that.
Now this is a good-sized object. This is several hundred
feet in diameter that came up next to the Lander and flew
along beside them for a time. The guys in the Apollo craft
put their camera to the window and snapped the thing, and
I’ve always jokingly said there were guys inside of
this, taking pictures of the NASA craft. We were photographing
them; they were photographing us. Next picture, please.
Photo NASA
Apollo Systems number 14 – Apollo 14 – roll
70, negative, what is it -- 9837 or 9887? This is the Lansberg
crater on the moon. The guys in orbit above the Moon were
particularly fascinated by Lansberg. They had been given
a special assignment to take pictures of Lansberg, because
the crater, which they designated as the Lansberg, had things
going on in the crater that were very anomalous. There was
construction going on. There were enormous facilities in
the crater up there.
So they were specifically designated and assigned to photograph
Lansberg to see if they could figure out what the hell was
going on down there in the crater on Lansberg. While they were
looking at Lansberg, this object happened to express interest
in them and flew by. Now this line is an artificial line that
was drawn to show you the … it gave the direction that
this object was going. This is a good-size object flying past
the Apollo Lander.
God, I’m so glad that some of these were saved. I still
get angry, 40 rolls of film, for Christ’s sake, and they
erased them. Anyhow, next picture, please.
This is the same
photo of Lansberg, but the next negative, 9838 of this
object here flying by. Next picture.
Ah, now we’re getting into some nitty-gritty. I want
to give you just a brief little bit of history here. Back in
the early days of NASA and the Apollo programs, I got this
picture from the Japanese space agency, the Japanese NASA.
They have a tremendous program going over there in Japan. You
know the Japanese are bright people.
The Japanese space agency signed a contract with NASA years
and years ago, to buy copies of every picture NASA took during
the Apollo Program. And I’m sure the Japanese people
paid a sizeable amount of money for this contract. And as the
films were developed and the photos were made, they shipped
them off to Japan and the Japanese had a tremendous reservoir
of goods of regional NASA pictures. They bought them. They
paid for them. So this photograph was released by the Japanese
space agency; you can see the Japanese writing here.
was taken by Apollo 13. Now, you’re all familiar,
I’m sure, with Apollo 13. That was the aborted mission
that was going to the moon to land and they had an accident
on the way. They couldn’t land. They damned well barely
got back.
While they were on the way to the moon – here’s
the moon – a number of things began happening. Some strange
objects were appearing outside the windows of the spacecraft
so the guys grabbed their Hasselblad cameras and start taking
This photograph shows three different objects. This looks
like a circular object with an enlarged dome on top. This is
a smaller object with a circular kind of disc-shaped craft,
but coming in from the right margin of this picture is this.
Next picture, please.
Here we are. This
is a blowup of the positive in the photograph and here
is a blowup of the negative of this object here. Ladies and
gentlemen, this particular object is five miles long. I’m
tempted to use the term big mother. No pun intended
because it appears to be a mother ship. It’s gigantic,
five miles long and here are these NASA guys are up there
in this little cramped Apollo capsule, and they look out
their window and they see something that is five miles long.
It shakes them up a little bit. And when it got back to NASA,
these pictures shook them up a hell of a lot. Next picture,
Ah, this
is the next sequence. Here this large mother has moved
into the middle of the frame and something else has come
up over here, which has been estimated to be two miles
long. But this really upset the guys. I have never been able
to find out which one of the three Apollo members of the
Apollo 13 group would admit to ever having taken these pictures.
So, as you know, the Apollo astronauts were threatened with
their lives, I kid you not. They were threatened seriously.
They even threatened their families if they ever divulged any
of the information that they knew. Next photo, please.
Here we are. Here’s
the big mother; here’s the other one two miles
long. Here’s a picture of the positive; this is the
negative. This mother is five miles long. Up here you can
see what appear to be two circular objects, either arriving
or departing from that particular big ship.
I can almost understand why the authorities in NASA, why the
authorities in the space program didn’t want this information
to come out. They were frightened; they were stumped; they
couldn’t deal with it themselves and they figured, if
they couldn’t handle it, you couldn’t handle it.
There would be social disruption; I believe is one of the
terms they used. They would disturb the body politic; I believe
the term they used. So they clamped the lid down on this and
it is still down and it is going to stay down, I’m afraid,
for some time yet, until people like yourselves and me and
the rest of the people here on this stage, by pushing and prodding
and chipping away at this lie and the secrecy, until, eventually,
we will succeed. And, don’t you doubt that for a minute.
Ah, now I’m in for another photograph which I think
will shock you some. In 1980, NASA -- Never A Straight
Answer -- launched the Voyager program to Saturn. They
launched this little mechanical space ship filled with cameras,
film and so on. They wanted to go to Saturn because something
had been going on in the rings of Saturn, around the moons
of Saturn that didn’t make a lot of sense. Some anomalous
events were taking place in Saturn, near Saturn, at Saturn.
So they launched the Voyager in 1980. The pictures
they got back from Voyager was so stunning and so shocking
that they just locked them up in a safe. Fortunately I met
and developed a friendship with a retired NASA scientist by
the name of Norman Bergrun.
Norman Bergrun worked for NASA for about 30
years. He was a technician, a scientist on the Voyager Program
to Saturn in 1980. Norman decided, after waiting a number of
years for NASA and the authorities to be candid and honest
and forthright and tell what they really found up at Saturn.
And Norman got so frustrated he wrote a book. [Ed Note: The
Ringmakers of Saturn]
I think he couldn’t publish in the United States; no
American publisher would even touch it. Norman Bergrun had
to go to Scotland, for God’s sake, to Aberdeen, to get
his book published. And he published it. He did succeed. He
got his book. It’s a piece of genius; it’s a beautiful
piece of work, and the things that they photographed near Saturn
appeared in print for the first time.
is the A-ring of Saturn. I think you’re all familiar
with what Saturn looks like; it’s a beautiful planet.
It’s a giant, but it’s got rings all around it.
Well this is the A-ring and here’s the object that
is self-luminous, obviously artificial, larger than our moon,
that seems to be moving all around throughout the rings of
Saturn and among the moons of Saturn; and Saturn’s
got a couple dozen moons.
This object here, as I said, larger than our moon, moving
all around apparently under intelligent control in the rings
of Saturn. Now, try for a moment, if you can, to imagine the
kind of a technology that is capable of constructing something
larger than our moon, that’s artificial, that moves around
wherever it wishes to go that has probably got several thousand
guys inside. That is shocking to some people. Next picture
, please.
Ah, this is the pièce de résistance,
I guess, as the French say. Here you have another
self-luminous, artificially constructed object, circular
in shape, larger than our moon that is also moving
here, there and everywhere throughout the rings of Saturn and
among the moons of Saturn. You know, there has to be intelligence
But this is the one that really blew the NASA people on the
Voyager program out of the water. This object – this
is an object guys – is 2000 miles long. It’s 400
miles in diameter, and it is an artificially constructed… Norman
calls them an electromagnetic vehicle. He says they appear
to be making the rings. This is one of the rings of Saturn;
I think this is B-ring. Bergrun says he thought they were probably
making the rings. I said: Norman, you have to consider
the possibility they may be mining the rings.
I think the rings are probably rich in nutrients, in minerals
probably, and an incredibly advanced civilization I think would
work out some system of mining those rings for all the minerals
up there and utilizing them because space is filled with wealth;
energies of all kinds. They never have to dig another hole
in the ground like we do down here. Space is filled with energy.
This is 2000 miles long and here on this end, there seems
to be something like an exhaust or a flare of energy of some
kind. It’s probably the result of engines of some type
inside this thing; but, whatever it’s doing, it’s
there, and it’s a recognition and representation of an
advanced intelligence.
And that’s one of the things that they don’t want
you to know -- that we are confronting and relating with an
intelligence that’s so far beyond our own; we’re
looking at and talking about what’s known as a Type
II civilization.
Now, for your own interest -- I suspect most of you suspect
this -- but you are all members of a zero-zero-type civilization.
Beyond us, hopefully in a century or two, we might become a
Type I. But this is a representation of the Type II civilization.
Michio Kaku, the famous Japanese-American physicist in New
York, has put out this concept about Type II, 0, I, II, III
and IV of the kind of advanced cultures and civilizations we
will probably meet out there. Well, we’ll probably
meet out there; we have already met them. They’re
here; they’re in our midst.
[Ed note: The Type I through IV civilizations
were first conceived by a Russian, Nikolai
So, I brought about 15 or 20 of these pictures but I simply
have no time; I don’t have the time to show them all.
So I’ve shown a few here and I think I’ve piqued
your curiosity. And, I think most of you are pretty bright
people and you know you’ve been conned. You know you
have been lied to. You’re not fools and I think you know
who you are and why you’re here and where you’re
[applause] Next photograph, please.
Ah, this is a photograph taken by our Mariner space vehicle
that we launched back a number of years ago. This
is a picture of a facility on the surface of Mars. Now,
this facility is located on the equator, and it’s on
the surface, and those of us who have studied it and discussed
it with each other, call it the airport.
I said this is the parking lot (oval flat area). This is the
administration building here (raised semi-circular area adjacent
to the left of the oval); this is the main terminal here (structure
directly behind the oval flat area), and I imagine it is a
pretty busy facility, you know, with ships coming and going,
but it’s not an airport.
It is very likely a spaceport. It is on the surface and it’s
on the equator of Mars. And if you are ever interested in launching
a vehicle from a planet, you put it on the equator and you
take advantage of the rotation of the planet to assist in the
launching of your vehicle. You can take the momentum of the
movement of the planet and it helps you get the thing off the
ground. So, it’s exactly on the equator; it’s on
the surface and it’s massive in size.
So maybe that is the parking lot; I don’t know. Maybe
that is the admin building, but there is something going on,
on Mars, and I’ve been going back and forth with Richard
Hoagland now for years, where Richard, who I know most of you
are aware of, is convinced that Mars is covered with ruins.
Well it is. But it is not just ruins. There are things going
on, on that planet; on the surface, under the surface, continually
so. Next picture, please.
Ah, this was published in a German magazine but this is a
Soviet photo. This
is from their Phobos 2 spacecraft. This is a city under
the surface of Mars that is the size of Chicago. Chicago is
one of our biggest cities. Several million people live in Chicago.
This is under the surface. You can see the city block … breakdown
here portions of the neighborhoods here or whatever it is,
but it is generating an enormous amount of heat. And they picked
this up on the infrared when Phobos was going around the planet
snapping pictures like crazy.
The Soviets were pretty open about releasing some of their
photos, contrary to the United States, where lying has become
a fine art. Don’t get me started on my politicians. Phobos
2, the city on Mars, under the surface; you can see the streets,
Broadway, First Avenue, whatever.
People have said, well, who’s there?
And I says: For God sake, it’s the Martians who are
What a silly question to ask: Who’s there?
[applause] Next photo, please.
Now, I love this picture - Earth. I love this
lady. Your ancestors and mine called her Gaia. She was feminine.
She was a goddess. She was sacred. This beautiful lady has
a respiratory system, she has a circulatory system and she
has a heart.
She is our source of life on this planet. We needed her. We
need her now. We wouldn’t be here if it were not for
her. We talk about holy lands: Mecca, Jerusalem, here, there,
everywhere. That is the holy land, people -- that beloved planet
that we are on. Next picture, please.
I spoke to you earlier about the fact that your grandchildren,
great-grandchildren and so on -- the generations yet to come
-- have their destiny in the stars. And meantime, they will
go out there and claim their rightful place in that infinite
community of life. You can believe that and you can accept
that with an assuredness and truth that goes beyond doubt.
The destiny of this species and this race, this troublesome
clan of monkeys, is in the stars and there is your destiny.
I want you to understand that and have some hope, and don’t
get depressed, because you are going to be undergoing some
very difficult times in a few years left ahead.
We are going through this transition, this transformation,
this transcendent transformation into another species, into
another race. And, if you remember your own adolescence, it
was a painful time. The species, the race, is going through
adolescence, but we’re not alone. We’re getting
We have family out there that’s helping us and they’ve
been helping us for a long time. They’ve been trying
to encourage us and nourish us and trying to point the right
direction for us to go, because we are a troublesome adolescent
children, and we are going through that transformation. But
my point is that there is no doubt about the inevitable destiny
and truth of the human race.
Now, I want to quote something for you if you’ll bear
with me here. One of my favorite authors, poets, was a man
I’ve admired for years: Count Leo Tolstoy. Tolstoy said
that there is something in the human spirit that will survive
and will prevail. That will survive and prevail and there is
a tiny brilliant light burning brightly in the heart of man
that will not go out no matter how dark the world becomes.
And in the years ahead when things are difficult and economic
problems take place, there will still be disruptions, fear,
hope; sadly enough, I’m afraid, there will still be blood
in the streets, here, there, and everywhere. This coming out
of adolescence is not an easy process. But then what do you
do when you leap beyond adolescence? You reach adulthood. You
grow up. And we’re growing up.
Now, ladies and gentlemen, my journey is coming to an end,
but for many of you out there your journey has just begun.
And I want to show something to you before I leave the stage
this afternoon. No matter how dark the world becomes, you can
be sure, as Tolstoy said, there is a spark, there is a flame
burning in your heart that will never go out no matter how
dark the world becomes.
And as my journey is coming to a close, and
for some of you your journey is just beginning, I wanted to
say to you in a term that I think is absolutely appropriate – you
Spaniards have got some beautiful terms in your words – Vaya
con Dios. [Ed. note: Go with God]
I’ve never
been to Spain before, but it’s one of my favorite
places. I love you guys, and now I’m learning to love
the Spaniards. In Italian I learned to say this and I will
say it to you and I understand you know the meaning.
In closing I want to say to you all: Keom [Ed. note:
Kerry Cassidy (KC): Everyone, I’m Kerry
Cassidy, from Project Camelot.
This is Henry Deacon.
Henry has something he wants to say to Bob.
Bob? This is Henry Deacon and we just want to say something
here. This is Henry Deacon from Project Camelot for those of
you who are familiar with our website. He’s here today,
and he’s here at the conference. He has something he’d
like to say, Bob, about Mars.
Henry Deacon (HD): I don’t have any words, but Bob has
expressed everything that I would have said and I can confirm,
because I’ve been working in Top Secret for 30 years
at above Top Secret. We share a common background, but I just
met him recently here and I can only say that: Yes, there’s
life on Mars. There are bases on Mars. I’ve been there.
BD: I didn’t even get started in telling
you some of the things that I wanted to share this afternoon
about who and what is on the moon, and Mars that
Henry knows.
HD: It’s a long story, as he said. There is not time
to put it all together. Except that it’s a positive story,
it’s not one of fear. He showed a picture of Mother Earth
and it’s giving birth and there are birth pangs, but
there is a child that is being born. And just forget about
the fear, because that’s just really a temporary thing.
KC: There she is.
HD: So a friend of mine, Angelica, who no one knows, she calls
this the emerald planet and it’s alive. Yes,
it’s very much alive. We’re a part of that lithe
life form and life spreads throughout this whole galaxy and
the rest of our family is watching and waiting, and helping
quietly behind the scenes. And I’ve been fortunate enough
to be able to meet family that don’t just live here on
terra for a long, long time even before I was in government
work, so thank you.
KC: Thank you. Henry Deacon, for those of you who don’t
know …
BD: Ladies and gentlemen … am I still broadcasting
Announcer: You’re still broadcasting.
Audience: Tell us about Mars and the moon. Screw the breaks.
[Kerry laughs]
BD: I’m going to share a small story with you before
I run out of time and I’m going to ask the gentlemen
to please bear with me and give me just a few moments. [applause]
This is for Hoagland. [laughter] I attended my son’s
retirement ceremony in Washington D.C. in November. My boy
retired in November in Washington as a Full Captain in the
United States Navy after 30 years of service. And while I was
at this retirement party, the room was filled with Admirals
and Generals and retired Commanders and Captains and so on.
And we all had something cool in our hands and we were all
moving around each other amiably and relaxed, you know.
A retired navy scientist, whose name must remain untold, came
up to me, nudged me and said: I know you.
And I said: Yes, I’m Eric’s father.
No, no, no., he said: I know you. You’re
that notorious retired Command Sergeant Major with the big
And I said: Yes, I’ll go with that.
He said: I have to share something with you before the
party is over.
He said: I retired several years ago. My
last job was at a government laboratory in Nevada a few miles
from Las Vegas. I'm a plasma fusion physicist;
that’s my
expertise. That’s my training, my background, my occupation.
Not being a scientist, I go: What? What? A plasma fusion
He said: Yeah. I worked at this laboratory
outside of Las Vegas. It’s not commonly known;
it’s fairly secret. I worked five years with
two guys who are not from here. They were from somewhere
else. They
were delightful people. They were scientists; they were working
with us. They were assisting us. They were encouraging us
and offering us ideas and possibilities and one thing and
another in plasma fusion, which is infinite energy forever.
And he says: I got to know them pretty well. He says: After
a couple of years I went up to one of them and I said, “What
do you guys really think of us human beings?”
And this chap from somewhere said: "Well,
since you’ve
asked, we think you are – how did he word it? – A
primitive, savage, and dangerous race." [laughter]
And the scientist said: I had to agree with him. We
are. We are a primitive, savage and dangerous race at the
The other chap was standing there who had been listening
in. He was also from somewhere else. He said, “You
also smell bad. [laughter] You humans stink. Nothing
personal, mind you. We find that you don’t smell good.”
And the scientist said: My first thought was, you know,
I didn’t spray under my arms this morning, maybe.
And they tried to explain that we humans have a psychic odor
about us that they pick up and they find it terribly offensive.
So it hit me between the eyes because, when I was a boy growing
up, my grandmother used to say: If we could only see ourselves
as others see us.
It would help so much to develop our integrity and our character
and all that, and this remark of my grandmother hit me that
we were getting this so-called from the horse’s mouth from
one of our extended family out there that: you’re
primitive, savage and dangerous, but you also stink.
I thought that was humorous and I shared that with Gogo and
she said: Please include that in your presentation. So
Gogo, bless your heart. I did that for you, you know.
Goodnight everybody. [applause]
HD: One sentence. It relates directly to what Bob has
said. If you want contact, raise your spirit high. That’s
what they want because they don’t want to mix with you
if you’re savage beasts. It’s that simple. Just
relax and be happy and work with each other. It’s a very
simple message.
BD: Thank you, Henry.
HD: Thank you. [applause]
KC: If you want to learn more about Henry Deacon,
he's on our site.
We have a lot of very long transcripts all about who he is,
some of where he worked, and about Mars. We also have a video
called Jumproom
to Mars, in which
David Wilcock, Bill Ryan and I discuss some of what he told
us. We’re
looking for, maybe a fifteen-minute, maybe half-hour tomorrow
when Henry Deacon can address you and maybe tell you some of
the details. Thank you.
BD: Let me add one more sentence. [laughter] I must add this.
I have traveled all over the planet and I have spoken to conferences
all over the world and all over the United States. I have never
been to a conference of this nature without there being at
least one, and generally two, of the others in the
I want you all to think about that and look
around you and know that in your midst... [laughter] you have
good friends in high places, and they’re
in your midst, and I’ve learned over the years to recognize
HD: It’s your family.
BD: Exactly, they’re family. But like Ingo Swann, I’ve
developed the intuitive ability to spot them and recognize
them and now I have them coming up to me at conferences, introducing
themselves to me. There are no limits. Life is infinite and
forever. God bless all of you, and I will tell you goodbye
this time.
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