2025年03月25日, 週二

Master’s Birthday ~ Mother’s Day

A Special Update:

During the videoconference “From the Original Universe to Our World: True Love Never Changes,” with the Supreme Master Television staff on May 29, Golden Year 11 (2014), Supreme Master Ching Hai expressed warmest greetings to all fathers and mothers:

“I know in May some people celebrate my birthday, and I want to give a message to thank them. Also to wish all the mothers, the physical mothers, a very beautiful Mother’s Day. And since you have mentioned Father’s Day, I wish all the fathers the same blissful happiness that I would wish any mother on the planet. So Mother, Father, have the best wishes from me. Enjoy your time on Earth and thank you for the love you give to the planet through the children, and the sacrifices you made. Everything you do, it’s because of your love for your children, and hence also spreading love for the planet.”

In May, we are delighted to celebrate the birthday of the much beloved Supreme Master Ching Hai and Mother’s Day around the world.

Happy Birthday, Master!

Supreme Master Ching Hai, Tim Qo Tu (Loved Lord of All the Worlds), with Your infinite Love, prayers and meditation, You have saved our Earth and uplifted all beings. We are the most blessed planet in the Universe to be honored and graced with Your Divine Presence, and are eternally grateful. May You stay with us for many many more happy and healthy years as our world becomes a blissful vegan paradise. Wishing You a peaceful and joyous birthday. Py-O-Tu! (You I love!)

Happy Mother’s Day!

On this Mother’s Day, May 11, we join people across many nations in celebrating and honoring mothers everywhere with deep gratitude for the loving, nurturing care you so selflessly impart, the many willing sacrifices you make and the kindness and blessings you bring to our world.

To the greatest loving mother of all – the Supreme Master Ching Hai – we could not imagine life in this realm here without Your universal daily loving care. We joyfully celebrate this day with You with our eternal love.

To our beloved family mothers – who with unwavering love and dedication supported us and protected us through childhood into adulthood – God Bless you! We love you!

To the animal mothers of all species everywhere – we love and thank you!

To our beautiful Mother Earth – whose life-sustaining goodness revitalizes our spirits and bestows us with constant blessings. Thank you deeply!


Please click below to see the greeting cards sent by our Association Centers from around the world: