2025年03月3日, 週一

Stray Dogs Pay Tribute at Animal Lover’s Funeral and Uplift Mourners

Dogs paying respects to Ms. Margarita Suárez at funeral home in Cuernavaca Morelos, Mexico

In March 2015, the noble-hearted Ms. Margarita Suárez of Merida, Yucatán, Mexico passed away at the age of 71 after spending her life caring for stray animals, including regularly feeding dogs and cats. In a remarkable testament to her loving nature, a number of stray dogs showed up at her funeral, which was held over 1,300 kilometers away from the dogs and cats she regularly fed.

Her daughter, Ms. Patricia Urrutia, posted on her Facebook page that her mother was such a great lover of animals that whenever she encountered one, she gave her or him food, sometimes before eating herself.

On the Facebook post that soon went viral, she explained that at a funeral home in Cuernavaca Morelos, Mexico during the wake (viewing) of her mother, a number of stray dogs entered the room during the ceremony. They stayed there all night, as if protecting her mother. The people at the funeral home explained they had never seen the animals before, but allowed them to stay. The dogs left in the morning, but came back when her mother’s body was being taken away for cremation, as if to say goodbye one last time.  “…it was something beautiful, marvelous,” Ms. Urrutia posted.

She told ABC News in the United States, “My mom has always been good with all animals and people…always fed the dogs on her block and the 20 stray cats that lived there.” Ms. Urrutia explained that a bird also came to bid farewell to her mother.  In the very early morning, she saw the bird fly through the window, look down at her mother’s coffin, and then fly away while singing. The animals helped Patricia through a difficult day.  “Because of them we were happy. They made a sad situation an incredible one,” she said.

Thank you, Margarita for your life of compassion dedicated to our precious animal friends in need. May your soul rest peacefully in Heaven.

Photo Credits: Patricia Urrutia-Facebook-March 15 & 21, 2014