2025年03月25日, 週二

Grateful for Master’s Love and Stories about Animals in Hsihu

By initiate Xiao Ning from Taoyuan, Formosa (originally in Chinese)

A few months ago, I received a phone call informing me that I could return to Hsihu to stay as a resident again. My heart was filled with overwhelming gratefulness for Master’s compassion and mercy. Prior to the call, I underwent thoracic surgery and had not recovered, even after two months. Actually, my sickness had gotten worse. On several occasions, I was in so much pain that I did not want to stay in the physical body anymore. Fortunately, at these moments, Master’s transformation body appeared, holding my hands tightly, comforting me, encouraging me not to give up because my time was not up yet and I needed to endure.

The beautiful mountain, the clean water, and the pure air in Hsihu made me feel I was healed by nature. One night, I kept hearing the sound of “shi…shi….” in my cave. After a long while, I said, “How can I sleep when you are so noisy?” Immediately, the sound stopped and it was quiet. When I walked out of the door in the morning, from the corner of my eye I caught sight of a snake bigger than my arm resting on the wall outside the door. I said to the snake, “I am going down to work. Please do not scare the birds inside.” Knowing a typhoon was coming in the evening, I told the snake, “There will be a typhoon coming soon, so please don’t move. It is not safe.” Thus the snake remained quietly on the wall outside my cave for three days. After the typhoon was over, I spoke to the snake, “Oh, you also need to get some sunshine.” Then the snake lifted his head and started moving.

Another time I saw a butterfly with two broken wings lying in the middle of the road.  I moved the butterfly to the top of the retaining wall with a piece of leaf so that it would not get hurt again. When I was walking away, I was surprised to see the butterfly flew a long distance and landed on my hand. I was so touched. I feel the small animals in Hsihu, such as squirrels and grey treepies, are very close to humans and very lovely. It’s such a heartwarming experience.

In Hishu, I feel the presence of great loving power and blessing. I am truly grateful that Master has let me stay in this paradise on Earth to enjoy God’s love and recover my health.