2025年03月23日, 週日

Relief Work Spreads Love and Expands Your Heart

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai,
International Gathering in Europe
July 2, Golden Year 10 (2013)
(Originally in English) (DVD 1015)

[An excerpt from a conversation with Master and one of our Association members about providing relief to those affected by the 2013 flooding in Germany]

Supreme Master Ching Hai: That is what makes them feel better. To share the problem, to share the sorrow, you know? Most people only like to share the joy, but don’t share the sorrow. No people would like to come and listen to them talk. Even if you don’t bring anything, but you bring your love and you lend your ears and your arms, they will be very much more comforted. That’s the point, that’s the point.

Our Association member: And for me, I thought they are all in despair, but it was not like that. They really said, “We make the best out of it.” And they started to rebuild everything.

SM: They’re brave people.

A: And they had a lot of helpers, too. The universities closed. (SM: Yeah, it’s good.) And the military people were there. (SM: It’s good.) Really, many, many people were there, (SM: Wonderful!) very moved, they had so much help. (SM: Good.) They couldn’t believe it.

SM: That’s good for them. Good for them.

A: Yes. And then when we presented gifts and money, most of them, tears came out, and we hugged and it was really very, very touching.

SM: Even if they are rich people, but in this type of situation, maybe their money is washed out, their checks are gone, their credit card’s nowhere, they don’t get anything to eat, so we bring the immediate relief. That is good for everyone to have. That’s why they’re so happy.

A: And sometimes (SM: Because your love also.) we had the impression it wasn’t even the money, (SM: I know, I know.) it was just someone came and cared, just like that.

SM: And care, and share, and share. Of course, that’s what we went for. It’s not just because they… Not all of them might need the food, but in case they do, then we have it for them. Just temporary until they get back on their feet, until they can report their credit card or something and get something to buy for their children or for themselves. When disaster comes, everyone needs. Rich or poor, anyone. You never know. They need love also, you see? (A: Yes.) Most important. It’s good.

A: So thank You very much (SM: Thank you.) for pushing us. And next time, we do it on our own.

SM: Yeah, please do that. (A: Yes.) Yeah, I know all of you are Buddhas, just sit there and meditate and don’t do anything, so I have to watch the news all the time in this case. And I have to tell Foreign Group to immediately send help. I can’t do it all alone, but I’m very grateful that you do it for me. I can’t do it all because so many countries. I can’t travel that much anymore. I need to meditate, to make it less, disaster less. But still, it could be worse, you see? But even then, even though I do that spiritually, I also do it materially, financially. Because people in this world, especially people who don’t practice, or even people who practice, they also need material comfort, no? Especially in that situation. They also need some food, some water to drink for the immediate need, and then later, they will get by.

Or sometimes, other groups did not arrive yet. Germany is good because it’s a powerful country. It’s a rich country, and then they come help immediately. But still then, you give a little gift of immediate relief and they are so happy, and they are so touched to tears. You see that? They do need it. Because even the government sends the army, but there are so many areas, they can’t do it all at one time. And they can’t reach sometimes remote areas or when the worst-hit area, maybe they haven’t arrived yet. They didn’t know where yet, so they just go to different villages, and some people are in need. But Germany is a rich country, so the government can afford to do it immediately. It’s good. And Germany is also a peaceful country, so the army is always ready for helping. I’m happy (it’s) like that. The army should be just that. Just to rescue people. Be a hero. Not to fight and kill.

A: And what was very nice, in front of the restaurants, once they had the mud out of it, they started to put a table outside with a very big pot of (SM: Soup and something.) thick soup and to drink. (SM: For people.) They even gave it for free. (SM: Yes, that’s good!) It was really good. (SM: Very good, of course.)

SM: But you see, I want to say, even Germany is a rich country, but still there are some people who need it. Even without disaster, not to talk about when disaster comes, then they have nothing anymore. They still also have some percentage of unemployment, and some people who don’t have jobs, or some people who have jobs but can’t go to work. And sometimes children need extra things. And when disaster comes, they really need something. Especially the love and comfort that you bring. Love and comfort that you bring.

A: Yes, we felt like that.

SM: Good. So it’s good for you also, you see? When you go in such an area, by yourself, you can see how people are so appreciative, and then you can feel closer to fellow beings. Your heart will be more open, and your compassion will grow. Not just the money and the things that we give. It’s for you to grow. The firsthand experience, it will touch your heart forever because you were there, you see how things are damaged and how people suffer. And you feel very sorry for them. Your heart will open with love, and that’s the energy that’s needed to counterbalance the negative things that have happened to them.

You bring positive power. You bring love into the area that they need it most, at that time. No matter what karma they did, no matter if they deserved trouble or not, you always bring love and comfort. That’s important, for you also, not just for them. Very good. For our world together. Always spread more love, then the world will become a better and better place. Energy, good energy, you see? Happy and loving energy is needed.