2025年03月11日, 週二

Selected Questions and Answers

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai,
Videoconference with Supreme Master Ching Hai and Supreme Master Television staff,
Los Angeles, California, USA, January 26, Golden Year 11 (2014) (Originally in English)
(The Joy of Homecoming: Master’s Rediscovery of the Original Universe)

Meditate and Pray


Q: Do we need to be at a high spiritual level to pray for someone else to benefit from the powers?

SM: Just meditate and pray. Then you know if you are on a high power or not, (Q: I see.) if you are on a high level or not. Praying as a means of love is always good, anyway, for you at least, okay? And if it happens, then you know it works.


Spiritual Negotiation


Q: When Master uses the Karmic Annulation power, how is the bad karma (retribution) gotten rid of? Doesn’t the Lord of Karma strictly demand a price to be paid?

SM: Wow, you notice things. You split hairs. (Master and audience laughs.) Okay, how?

Q: Yes, Master.

SM: How does the Master do it? There are various ways to do away with karma. By the initiation, getting rid of some. By physically taking it in for the initiates or the person in concern. By spiritual merit donation or by karmic sacrifice, etc. Of course, you know it. The Lord of Karma is a very, very exacting being.

Q: Yes, Master. Master, what is the difference between Karmic Annulation and Karmic Manipulation?

SM: The difference between them is like, Annulation is to destroy it completely by exchange, all of the karma (retribution) or some certain karma. Whereas, Karmic Manipulation is to lessen it or to stretch it to bearable intensity over time, so that the person concerned can still be alive and bear it until he reaches a certain spiritual level. So it’s good for him. You see? (Q: I see.) Or to be taken away, by physical suffering by the Master. It depends on cases and negotiation. Spiritual negotiation.


Heaven is Watching and Helping


Q: Master, when we pray to give thanks to the gods, goddesses, angels, deities, or God Almighty, how does it work spiritually? Is there a spiritual mailbox where our prayers are listened to by heavenly beings?

SM: You mean Internet, email? (Master and audience laugh.)

Q: Yes, maybe something similar.

SM: They have better than that! Okay. Listen, it depends on your spiritual level and karma, then your prayer will go to which level of consciousness. It’s different between individuals, yes? (Q: Oh, I see, Master.) And whether those beings there are able to help you in this particular case. According to your merit, your sincerity, and the interference of someone else, maybe, higher than you. Or some other people’s prayers. But there are mailboxes everywhere, and they have better things than internet. (Q: That’s cool.) Don’t worry, heavens are watching. Even hell also is watching. Heavens and hell are watching and listening and helping or harming. Depends. Wherever possible.


Different Bodies for Different Levels


Q: Master, we know that our physical body houses many spiritual bodies. For example, the astral body can be used in the Astral world. But what are the purposes of those other spiritual bodies?

SM: It’s to use when you go to higher planes of consciousness.

Q: Understood.

SM: You have to go there someday. You will, you want to. Then you use that body instead. Because if you use your physical body, you can’t access there. And if you use your astral body, you will be burned. Because it’s the different frequency, different energy level. It’s too powerful for the astral body if you go to the Causal region, for example. Or if you use the Causal, the Second Level body, if you want to go to the Third Level, it’s not possible. You go there, you wear different clothes. Just like you go to see the king and the queen, you wear nicer clothes. Going to the palace, going to the party, you wear different clothes. Like today, New Year, you want to see me, you want to look handsome, you wear your beautiful clothes. (Q: Yes, Master.) If you ascend to these higher planes, it helps you with more positive power to deal with this world while you are alive, and it blesses also. Because each body has different energy, wisdom, and function. The higher you go, the stronger energy, the more wisdom, and the better… many multi-purpose functions for you. The higher you go, the more you acquire energy and power, wisdom, and the better for you and the world you live in.