2025年03月4日, 週二

Long for God

Long For God

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, International Gathering in Europe,
July 5, Golden Year 10 (2013) (Originally in English) (DVD#1016)

The more you long for God, the less you want anything in this world, and the more you’re happy.


Believe in God and Do Good

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai,
Videoconference with Supreme Master Ching Hai
and Supreme Master Television staff,
Los Angeles, California, USA,
January 26, Golden Year 11 (2014) (Originally in English)
(The Joy of Homecoming: Master’s Rediscovery of the Original Universe)

Believe only in God and the positive power. Do only what’s good. Avoid, above all, anything bad, any action that you know is bad. Keep the five precepts even in your thoughts, not just in your actions. Meditate well. Be vegan, make peace. Then, all will be good. Then, even if maya is next to you, he can’t do much. He can only drool. 


Simple, Healthy and Gentle

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai,
Videoconference with Supreme Master Ching Hai
and Supreme Master Television staff,
Los Angeles, California, USA,
January 26, Golden Year 11 (2014) (Originally in English)
(The Joy of Homecoming: Master’s Rediscovery of the Original Universe)

Think and be inventive in your daily activities, use, and try to minimize, or replace, or cut out completely what we can to have a more simple, healthy, and gentle way of living for yourself as well as for the world.